Hello all – Friday Thinking is a humble curation of my foraging in the digital environment. My purpose is to pick interesting pieces, based on my own curiosity (and the curiosity of the many interesting people I follow), about developments in some key domains (work, organization, social-economy, intelligence, domestication of DNA, energy, etc.) that suggest we are in the midst of a change in the conditions of change - a phase-transition. That tomorrow will be radically unlike yesterday.
Many thanks to those who enjoy this. ☺
In the 21st Century curiosity will SKILL the cat.
“Be careful what you ‘insta-google-tweet-face’”
Woody Harrelson - Triple 9
Predictions From Science-Fiction Literature: INFOGRAPHIC
One of the biggest technological breakthroughs would come if machines were to develop an understanding of natural language on par with median human performance—that is, if computers gained the ability to recognize the concepts in everyday communication between people. In retailing, such natural-language advances would increase the technical potential for automation from 53 percent of all labor time to 60 percent. In finance and insurance, the leap would be even greater, to 66 percent, from 43 percent. In healthcare, too, while we don’t believe currently demonstrated technologies could accomplish all of the activities needed to diagnose and treat patients, technology will become more capable over time. Robots may not be cleaning your teeth or teaching your children quite yet, but that doesn’t mean they won’t in the future.
It is never too early to prepare for the future. To get ready for automation’s advances tomorrow, executives must challenge themselves to understand the data and automation technologies on the horizon today. But more than data and technological savvy are required to capture value from automation. The greater challenges are the workforce and organizational changes that leaders will have to put in place as automation upends entire business processes, as well as the culture of organizations, which must learn to view automation as a reliable productivity lever. Senior leaders, for their part, will need to “let go” in ways that run counter to a century of organizational development.
Where machines could replace humans—and where they can’t (yet)
Independent workers, freelancers and other gig workers use “third places” increasingly often. The number of these places has risen very fast over the past few years. The concept was first introduced by sociologist Ray Oldenburg in the last 1980s to refer to all the places that are neither home nor office. In his influential book The Great Good Place, Ray Oldenburg argues that third places are important for civil society, democracy, and civic engagement. Many people launch and test new ideas in such places. So really, working on a beach in Thailand is not that common for most nomad workers, who, more often than not, need the dynamism of urban coworking spaces—and a proper wifi connection which can’t be had everywhere!
“Oldenburg calls one’s “first place” the home and those that one lives with. The “second place” is the workplace — where people may actually spend most of their time. Third places, then, are “anchors” of community life and facilitate and foster broader, more creative interaction.” (Wikipedia)
The Geography of Remote Work
This is a great 1 hour video by Chief Science Heretic - Freeman Dyson - who wishes to inspire more young scientists to engage in heresy. :)
Freeman Dyson: Heretical Thoughts About Science and Society
Freeman Dyson with dry wit and self-effacing good humor explains that by heretical he means ideas that go against prevailing dogmas, and that in his self-appointed role as heretic, he is unimpressed by conventional wisdom.
Hosted by Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future on November 1, 2005.
Here’s a vision of where the digital environment can go and enable - if we can only take transform privateered Internet access into a public fiber infrastructure.
There’s An Obvious Way to Create More Jobs.
Fast, ubiquitous fiber can’t solve all society’s ills, but it can help with the problems that led us to Brexit. Just ask Seoul.
Yesterday I was standing in the lobby of a shiny hotel in Seoul talking to a Korean law professor. She said to me: “Life is easy here when it comes to information.” She’s used to doing almost everything with her phone — paying for goods and services, traveling on public transit, watching television on the subway — and pays about $20 a month for unlimited data.
With the highest percentage of fibered homes in the world, and fiber-connected cell towers everywhere, all kinds of digitally enhanced mobile wireless possibilities have emerged in Seoul. In a buzzy, overwhelmingly branded convention hall earlier in the week, I’d seen a government display of a virtual reality app for the exploration of city streets. And the February 2018 PyeongChang Olympics (motto: “Passion. Connected.”) will be the occasion for Korea to show off its world-beating 5G services. Whether you love sports or just like to tune into the world games every four years, innovations will jar your eyes and mind open. Think unlimited visualization of all possible relevant stats for any event, player-perspective camera views for the rest of us, and holographic visits by athletes to remote interviewers.
These will be made possible only because of Korea’s fiber lines: for the stupendous amounts of data generated by 5G connections to go any distance, a fiber connection will need to be about 160 feet away. (In order for Korea’s wireless marketplace to be competitive, that fiber connection point will need to be a neutral interface; more on that in a later column.)
This may seem hyperbole - but it’s inline with Jeremy Rifkin’s recent book “Zero Marginal Cost Society” and well worth the consideration.
Why the Cost of Living Is Poised to Plummet in the Next 20 Years
People are concerned about how AI and robotics are taking jobs, destroying livelihoods, reducing our earning capacity, and subsequently destroying the economy.
In anticipation, countries like Canada, India and Finland are running experiments to pilot the idea of "universal basic income" — the unconditional provision of a regular sum of money from the government to support livelihood independent of employment.
But what people aren't talking about, and what's getting my attention, is a forthcoming rapid demonetizationof the cost of living.
Meaning — it's getting cheaper and cheaper to meet our basic needs.
Powered by developments in exponential technologies, the cost of housing, transportation, food, health care, entertainment, clothing, education and so on will fall, eventually approaching, believe it or not, zero.
In this blog, I'll explore how people spend their money now and how "technological socialism" (i.e., having our lives taken care of by technology) can demonetize living.
... understanding this trend and its implications is important...it will change the way we live, work, and play in the years ahead.
Here’s another reflection on the implication of the digital environment and the physical geography we live in.
In 1997, Frances Cairncross, a British economist and journalist, published a book titled The Death of Distance. At the time, a minute of telephone communication between the USA and Europe was still charged 80 cents. Yet Frances Cairncross foresaw that distance would be dead when it comes to communication.
….in their private lives, users have massively converted to videophone communication and ‘augmented’ reality. They do “Skype dinners”. They use Facebook Live. Many of them leave a video service on at all times. For hyper-connected users, telepresence is indeed a reality wherever they happen to be.
The Geography of Remote Work
Tech seems to have abolished distance: people are increasingly connected and communication is cheaper than it’s ever been. Armed with an Internet connection and a smartphone, we can work from anywhere! Remote work is a growing phenomenon for many companies willing to reduce office space and cut costs or to recruit and keep talent by offering them more flexibility.
Yet both economic activity and population are increasingly concentrated in just a few areas, while many more places become economic and demographic deserts. Why do people flock more and more to these areas when they could choose to live and work in cheaper places? If distance is dead, then why is real-estate more and more expensive in large cities? Why are digital nomads—a growing trend in the startup world— still so marginal?
In fact geography has never been more critical. As illustrated by all the questions raised by many international companies after Brexit, the localisation of one’s headquarters matters a lot. As for individuals, whose careers are full of ups and downs and turns, the importance of living in a dense ecosystem has never been greater.
Distance may be dead, geography has never mattered so much!
This is a great article with many links to sources discussing all things Bitcoin and Blockchain. For anyone who’s interested this could provide answers to most of your questions.
What is bitcoin and the blockchain?
A list of articles, blog posts, videos, books and courses to help get you started.
As bitcoin, ethereum and other cryptocurrencies have become more popular, we’ve gotten more and more requests from people seeking suggestions for how to learn about the technology.
In pulling together this list of starter articles, blog posts, books and courses, we’ve found that most people are initially willing to invest about 30–45 minutes to learn about cryptocurrencies. That can then ignite enough curiosity to invest another 2–3 hours — and then they’re off to the races.
Feel free to share this list with others. Over the last year, members of the Digital Currency Initiative have sent it to several hundred people — from finance ministers to longtime developers interested in the cryptocurrency space and, as a result, have seem them change their policy position or even change jobs.
This list of articles is by no means exhaustive; it’s a living document.
The AI-ssistant is definitely on its way - but maybe it’s still a child. This article also contains an 18 min video.
One of the two first-place entries did, in fact, use a cutting-edge machine learning approach. Liu’s group, which included researchers from York University in Toronto and the National Research Council of Canada, used deep learning to train a computer to recognize the relationship between different events, such as “playing basketball” and “winning” or “getting injured,” from thousands of texts.
Tougher Turing Test Exposes Chatbots’ Stupidity
We have a long way to go if we want virtual assistants to understand us.
User: Siri, call me an ambulance.
Siri: Okay, from now on I’ll call you “an ambulance.”
Apple fixed this error shortly after its virtual assistant was first released in 2011. But a new contest shows that computers still lack the common sense required to avoid such embarrassing mix-ups.
The results of the contest were presented at an academic conference in New York this week, and they provide some measure of how much work needs to be done to make computers truly intelligent.
The Winograd Schema Challenge asks computers to make sense of sentences that are ambiguous but usually simple for humans to parse. Disambiguating Winograd Schema sentences requires some common-sense understanding. In the sentence “The city councilmen refused the demonstrators a permit because they feared violence,” it is logically unclear who the word “they” refers to, although humans understand because of the broader context.
Here’s a way that some work is becoming automated while keeping people employed - enabling work via mixed reality.
From the looks of it, Google is set on focusing on enterprise work for the next iterations of Glass, now called Project Aura. Images and other information have been leaking about their new business-focused product, from an unintended eBay listing to pictures from the FCC.
Boeing Is Eyeing Google Glass to Build Their Newest Planes
Boeing has just concluded a pilot for technicians that had them use Google Glass in the wiring systems of the company's airplanes, providing a niche for Google's AR mishap.
Members of Boeing’s research and technology division have just finished a pilot program where they used the original Google Glass to construct aircraft wire harnesses. Construction of these harnesses is a painfully complex process. Technicians have to manually build them out, a painstaking process based on PDF assembly guide viewed on a laptop screen. Now, the introduction of Google Glass into the process resulted in a reduced production time of the wire harnesses by 25 percent and has even cut error rates in half.
Through an app called Skylight, the wearer can scan a QR code that pulls the wireless harness software, and then scan another code that loads the assembly instructions. The app supports voice commands, so the technician can just say the wire code and Glass will display the insertion slot for the wire. For any hiccups, Glass can stream to an expert’s laptop, or play instructional video for any issues that might arise.
This is fascinating progress in the domestication of DNA - a short article that gives us a glimpse of emerging new capabilities.
Today, thanks to advances in single-cell sequencing, the team was able to analyse over 1000 individual cells of gastrulating mouse embryos. The result is an atlas of gene expression during very early, healthy mammalian development.
Anatomy of a decision: mapping early development
A new atlas of gene expression during the earliest stages of life boosts studies of development.
In the first genome-scale experiment of its kind, researchers have gained new insights into how a mouse embryo first begins to transform from a ball of unfocussed cells into a small, structured entity. Published in Nature, the single-cell genomics study was led by the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) and the Wellcome Trust–MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute.
Gastrulation is the point when an animal’s whole body plan is set, just before individual organs start to develop. Understanding this point in very early development is vital to understanding how animals develop and how things go wrong. One of the biggest challenges in studying gastrulation is the very small number of cells that make up an embryo at this stage.
“If we want to better understand the natural world around us, one of the fundamental questions is, how do animals develop?” says Bertie Gottgens, Research Group Leader at the Wellcome Trust – Medical Research Council Cambridge Stem Cell Institute. “How do you turn from an egg into an animal, with all sorts of tissues? Many of the things that go wrong, like birth defects, are caused by problems in early development. We need to have an atlas of normal development for comparison when things go wrong.”
“It wasn’t what we expected at all. We found that cells which in healthy embryos would commit to becoming blood cells would actually become confused in the embryos lacking the key gene, effectively getting stuck,” says John. “What is so exciting about this is that it demonstrates how we can now look at the very small number of cells that are actually making the decision at the precise time point when the decision is being made. It gives us a completely different perspective on development.”
This is one more step in the development of our understanding of how the brain actually works by creating a more precise, detailed map of the brain. There’s a 2 min video as well.
...until now, most such maps have been based on a single type of measurement. That can provide an incomplete or even misleading view of the brain's inner workings, says Thomas Yeo, a computational neuroscientist at the National University of Singapore. The new map is based on multiple MRI measurements, which Yeo says “greatly increases confidence that they are producing the best in vivo estimates of cortical areas”.
Human brain mapped in unprecedented detail
Nearly 100 previously unidentified brain areas revealed by examination of the cerebral cortex.
Think of a spinning globe and the patchwork of countries it depicts: such maps help us to understand where we are, and that nations differ from one another. Now, neuroscientists have charted an equivalent map of the brain’s outermost layer — the cerebral cortex — subdividing each hemisphere's mountain- and valley-like folds into 180 separate parcels.
Ninety-seven of these areas have never previously been described, despite showing clear differences in structure, function and connectivity from their neighbours. The new brain map is published today in Nature.
Each discrete area on the map contains cells with similar structure, function and connectivity. But these areas differ from each other, just as different countries have well-defined borders and unique cultures, says David Van Essen, a neuroscientist at Washington University Medical School in St Louis, Missouri, who supervised the study.
Another interesting milestone in the progress we are making in understanding living processes. There is an amazing 1.5 min video.
Video: Yale unveils 3D view of the world inside of cells
New generations of microscopy have opened up a dazzling world that exists in the interior of new cells. But even the best of the new technology has had a trouble of recording the depth of cellular structures – until now.
Yale University researchers, employing some tricks of powerful astronomy telescopes, have discovered a way to view in three dimensions tiny structures within cells such as mitochondria, the cellular power packs, and nuclear membranes that envelope DNA. In accompanying movie, researchers recorded three-dimensional representations of 19 paternal and maternal mouse chromosomes by using colored fluorescent tags attached to proteins that bind them together.
The research paper was published online July 7 in the journal Cell.
The world of data - Big Data - Cosmic Data - is growing at an accelerating rate - where are we going to store that data? We are on our way to domesticating matter at the atomic level.
Smallest hard disk to date writes information atom by atom
Every day, modern society creates more than a billion gigabytes of new data. To store all this data, it is increasingly important that each single bit occupies as little space as possible. A team of scientists at the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience at Delft University reduced storage to the ultimate limit: They stored one kilobyte (8,000 bits) representing each bit by the position of a single chlorine atom. "In theory, this storage density would allow all books ever created by humans to be written on a single post stamp," says lead scientist Sander Otte. They reached a storage density of 500 Terabits per square inch (Tbpsi), 500 times better than the best commercial hard disk currently available.
His team reports on this development in Nature Nanotechnology on Monday July 18.
This is an important issue that includes the maker movement and open-source paradigms for software, hardware and even bioware (e.g. open knowledge about the gene pool - no patents or copyright). The emerging 3D printing technologies can create conditions that would enable anyone to fix their own goods or to encourage products with modularity so that products can not only be fixed - but upgraded easily - or recycled, repurposed.
Earlier this year, many iPhone 6 owners found themselves with non-working phones after an Apple iOS update detected that they had had repairs done at an unauthorized shop. Without warning, the update put their phones on permanent, unfixable lockdown. (After a public outcry, Apple apologized and offered a fix to the problem, saying it was meant as an in-factory security test and not intended to affect customers.)
The inability to self-repair one’s possessions is an even more urgent problem in the developing world and among disadvantaged populations.
The Fight for the "Right to Repair"
Manufacturers have made it increasingly difficult for individuals or independent repair people to fix electronics. A growing movement is fighting back
Fifty years ago, if your television broke you could bring it to the local electronics shop to be repaired. These days, a broken TV likely means a trip to Best Buy for a new one.
Electronics have become harder to fix. This is, in part, because they’ve become more complex. But some of the problem is by design. Manufacturers have increasingly restricted repair information to authorized repair centers, leaving consumers and independent repair people unable to deal with even simple problems. It's just easier (and sometimes cheaper) to buy something new.
A growing number of people, seeing this as an unreasonable state of affairs, are fighting back. In a so-called “right to repair” movement, this loose coalition of consumer advocates, repair professionals and ordinary individuals are working to create legislation that would make it harder for companies to keep repair information proprietary.
The idea of planned obsolescence is nothing new. But the use of “repair prevention” as a method of making products obsolete is growing, say right to repair proponents. Many companies that manufacture electronics—anything from laptops to refrigerators to your car’s onboard computer—now have restrictions that prevent consumers from having them fixed anywhere besides a licensed repair shop. Some companies use digital locks or copyrighted software to prevent consumers or independent repair people from making changes. Others simply refuse to share their repair manuals. Some add fine print clauses to their user agreements so customers (often unwittingly) promise not to fix their own products.
The digital divide seems to be heard about less often than it used to - here’s an amazing reason that it may be one the wane faster than anticipated.
The World's Cheapest Smartphone Costs $4
This is the Freedom 251. It gets the name from its rather modest 251-rupee price tag, which equates to about $4. And you know what? Its specs aren’t too bad, either.
The device features the kind of technical specification that many people would be quite content with: A 4-inch screen, 1.3 GHz quadcore processor, 1GB of RAM, 8GB of storage, 3.2-megapixel rear camera, 0.3-megapixel front camera and a 1,450mAh battery. On top of all that, it runs Android 5.1. That is not too shabby.
The phone is manufactured by Ringing Bells, a new Indian company set up to provide affordable smartphones. It’s already been selling a 4G-ready handset for 3,000 rupees—about £30—according to Hindustan Times.
Moore’s Law is it dead or is it not? One way or another computational power continues to accelerate - either through new architectures of mass -cloud computing or through new materials and paradigms. Here’s an good article looking at carbon nanotubes and computing clearly explaining the issues and promises.
We’re going to put a Carbon nanotube computer in your hand
Not only can carbon nanotubes make traditional chips more powerful, they can also be used to create entirely new computing systems—ultrafast and efficient three-dimensional chips that can be employed in data centers as well as the wide world of mobile computers used in cars, smartphones, and the sensor-filled Internet of Things. Such 3D systems could mix carbon nanotubes and emerging memory technologies, and they could also be built directly on top of conventional silicon circuitry. So while carbon nanotubes may eventually leap ahead of silicon, they could also share the road with it. In both cases, the resulting massive advances in computational capability would affect our lives profoundly.
Talking about the maker movement, the right to repair, the do-it-yourself population, the home-inventer and hacker - here’s something very a weak-signal of what can happen with guaranteed basic income and an economy where everything that can be automated will be. The need to enable anyone to repair or improve the technologies around them may be an key capacity to the economy of the future. The list is well worth the read.
Mushroom leather, tiny Zika detectors and lab-made breast milk debut at IndieBio’s third demo day
The accelerator’s demo day has grown so big we’re now live streaming it on TechCrunch.
But it was just a couple years ago that the only pure biotech accelerator launched out of SOS Ventures. Many accelerators and venture firms have started to take a keen interest in the space since then, but Indiebio is still the one many look to in the industry for weird and interesting ideas like 3D printed animal parts, egg whites from micro bugs and bioreactors to make better beer.
The third event was no exception, with startups presenting wild ideas on stage like mushroom leather clothing, a Zika-detecting tool the size of a stick of gum and human breast milk made in a lab. Here we present to you all 15 startups in IndieBio’s third batch:
Here we present to you all 15 startups in IndieBio’s third batch:
The domestication of DNA has many fascinating frontiers not all of them involving the editing or creation of genes. The graphics in this article are worth the look to understand the power of origami.
DNA origami: designing structures with potential new uses in nanotechnology
Scientists are using DNA to build nano-scaled devices – DNA origami – that could be used to improve our understanding of basic biological mechanisms as well as to design novel strategies to prevent or treat disease.
DNA is well known as the carrier of the genetic information in living organisms. The DNA double helix is flexible. It can twist, bend and stretch to form complex 3-D structures. “Scientists realized that it could potentially be engineered to create a variety of shapes,” said Dr. Wah Chiu, distinguished service and Alvin Romansky professor of biochemistry and molecular biology at Baylor College of Medicine.
Nano-scaled devices can easily fit inside a cell – they are a billionth of a meter small. For instance, compared with a red blood cell, which is about 8000 nanometers in diameter, a nano-scaled device of about 80 nanometers is 100 times smaller.
AI, Biotech, Robotics - these aren’t just separate domains of research or knowledge - they are the nodes of new emergent capabilities.
Scientists Build Crawling Biohybrid Robot That is Part Sea Slug
Scientists have used a 3-D printer and tissues from a California sea slug (Aplysia californica) to build a crawling biohybrid robot. The researchers at Case Western Reserve University say the robot can crawl like a sea turtle. The scientists envision swarms of the biohybrid robots searching the depths of fresh and saltwater ponds and lakes for toxins.
The researchers say a muscle from the slug's mouth provides the movement for the robot. The movement is currently controlled by an external electrical field. The researchers say future iterations of the device will include an organic controller made using ganglia, bundles of neurons and nerves that normally conduct signals to the muscle as the slug feeds.
Victoria Webster, a PhD student who is leading the research, says in a statement, "We're building a living machine--a biohybrid robot that's not completely organic--yet."
This is a hopeful breakthrough using a biomimetic approach.
Scientists create new thin material that mimics cell membranes
Nature-inspired synthetic membranes could aid water purification, energy, and healthcare needs
Materials scientists have created a new material that performs like a cell membrane found in nature. Such a material has long been sought for applications as varied as water purification and drug delivery.
Referred to as a lipid-like peptoid (we'll unpack that in a second), the material can assemble itself into a sheet thinner, but more stable, than a soap bubble, the researchers report this week in Nature Communications. The assembled sheet can withstand being submerged in a variety of liquids and can even repair itself after damage.
"Nature is very smart. Researchers are trying to make biomimetic membranes that are stable and have certain desired properties of cell membranes," said chemist Chun-Long Chen at the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. "We believe these materials have potential in water filters, sensors, drug delivery and especially fuel cells or other energy applications."
Seeing the universe in a new way - this is awesome.
This new map of the universe charts out 1.2 million galaxies
Knowing where they all are helps us understand the expansion of the universe
In an attempt to better understand the nature of the expansion of our universe, scientists have created a 3D map plotting the locations of 1.2 million galaxies. This map may help give astronomers new details about how the universe has been expanding, which will help us learn more about the mysterious force that scientists believe has been driving the expansion.
Published in a new study, the 3D map shows 650 cubic billion light years, which is just a quarter of the known universe. Each point in this map isn’t a star: it’s an entire galaxy. The map was created by scientists working on the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey(BOSS), a program of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III (SDSS-III).
The maps of the digital environment have only begun to be developed - many imagine Big Data as some form of massive but traditional database. But the real domain of Big Data has to be imagined when every bit and pixel can be tagged and search, assembled in unimaginable re-combinations to provide vast new layers of patterned information. Think of our whole lives recorded in ways that enable not just instant replays but whole life replays at any moment from any perspective. Say goodbye to Denial and plagiarism - Say hello to attribution in mashups and recombinatory innovation.
This is worth the look - not just because of its ‘meme-of-the-day’ quality but also for the glimpse it shows of the future of the digital environment.
Melania Trump Trumped by Plagiarism?
Understanding Plagiarism to Avoid Controversy
The 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, whether for good or bad, seemed poised to grab quite a few headlines and to stir controversy while it happened. Surprisingly, one particular controversy touched upon a subject that is quite close to what we do: the question of whether Melania Trump’s speech on Monday, July 18th, plagiarized an address Michelle Obama made to the Democratic National Convention in 2008.
So, did she?
Before we get into the details of what we found, Turnitin was developed for use by schools and institutions to help students learn how to properly incorporate primary source material into their own work in support of improving their writing and critical thinking skills. Our focus is not to catch plagiarism, but rather to support academic communities and student learning.
On that note, the attention that this controversy has garnered is a great teachable moment. Sections of Melania Trump’s speech are questionable, but why? What type of plagiarism are we talking about? What about intent? In other words, how would an educator look at this?
Looking at the controversial sections of Ms. Trump’s address, if we were to consider them as examples of plagiarism, what types of plagiarism would they be? The Plagiarism Spectrum is an educational resource developed by Turnitin, with the help of educators, to help students identify the most common forms of plagiarism. Using excerpts from her speech, we can find passages that an educator would flag as the following examples of plagiarism.
The open source movement is an interesting accelerator of innovation and well as a pragmatic way to develop robust sound solutions for any domain that is important to humans. This is an interesting 6 min video about an open source approach to developing inexpensive quality housing.
Open Building Institute - Introductory Video
It's an open source effort to make affordable, ecological housing widely accessible. A collaboration between Open Building Institute and Open Source Ecology. Just launched today
Here’s their Kickstarter campaign
For Fun
This is a wonderful infographic - worth the view.
Predictions From Science-Fiction Literature: INFOGRAPHIC
Have you ever wished for the power to predict the future? The team behind the Red Candy Blog has created an infographic called “The Future If Literature Was To Be Believed.”
This piece features references to several well-known books including Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood, Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, and Super Sad True Love Story by Gary Shteyngart. We’ve embedded the full image below for you to explore further—what do you think?
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