Thursday, January 28, 2021

Friday Thinking 29 Jan 2021

Friday Thinking is a humble curation of my foraging in the digital environment. Choices are based on my own curiosity and that suggest we are in the midst of a change in the conditions of change - a phase-transition. That tomorrow will be radically unlike yesterday.

Many thanks to those who enjoy this.
In the 21st Century curiosity is what skills the cat -
for life of skillful means .
Jobs are dying - Work is just beginning.
Work that engages our whole self becomes play that works.

The emerging world-of-connected-everything - digital environment - 
computational ecology - 
may still require humans as the consciousness of its own existence. 

To see red - is to know other colors - without the ground of others - there is no figure - differences that make a defference.  

‘There are times, ‘when I catch myself believing there is something which is separate from something else.’

“I'm not failing - I'm Learning"
Quellcrist Falconer - Altered Carbon



The mathematical case against blaming people for their misfortune

Rudy Rucker - How to Be a Cult Underground Writer

Is the Mind Like a Rainbow?

The American Aristotle


Loon’s bubble bursts—Alphabet shuts down Internet balloon company

The world is not a theorem

Evolution’s engineers

New antifungal compound from ant farms

Identical Twins Accumulate Genetic Differences in the Womb

Plant Cells Swap Organelles

This is how you grow vegetables in the Sahara – by piping seawater from the Red Sea across the sands to produce biofuels and electricity.

The water allies hydrating Greek islands

Clever cocoons transform the drylands

New eco-friendly way to make ammonia could be boon for agriculture, hydrogen economy

World-first home hydrogen battery stores 3x the energy of a Powerwall 2



a 2014 Pew Research report found that 39 per cent of Americans believed that poverty was due to a lack of effort on poor people’s part. When ‘effort’ includes an inability to properly weigh up the risks inherent in a decision, this suggests that, in the end, many of us think that people are responsible for their own bad luck.

… insights from complexity science – specifically, computational complexity theory – show mathematically that there are hard limits on our capacity to make accurate and precise calculations of risk. Since it’s often impossible to get a reasonable sense of what will happen in the future, it’s unfair to blame people with good intentions who end up worse off as a result of unforeseen circumstances. This leads to the conclusion that compassion, not blame, is the appropriate attitude towards those who act in good faith but whose bets in life don’t pay off.

The starting point is to note that, for people to be held responsible for their actions, they have to know about certain features of the world. In many cases, even this minimal condition for blameworthiness isn’t satisfied. 

The bar for blameworthiness can be made more precise by saying that, in order to be blamed for a gamble, people must possess an accurate causal model of the system in which they act. That is, they must know how different variables in the system do or don’t affect one another.

 trying to infer the most likely causal structure of a system – no matter how much data we have about it – is what theorists call an NP-hard problem: given a general dataset, it can be fiendishly hard for an algorithm to learn the causal structure that produced it. In many cases, as more variables are added to the dataset, the minimum time that it takes any algorithm to learn the structure of the system under study grows exponentially. 

The mathematical case against blaming people for their misfortune

There’s a worry that the golden promise of cyberspace, that is, the happy Tomorrow of internet and AI—there’s a worry that it’s been coopted by the Pig, the Man, spyware, big biz, the data miners, and the spammers. One fears the frontier has been tamed and made ordinary. But that might not be true.

As a writer, your one power over the world is to depict realties that are in line with the way things should be. Or realities that reflect the way things really are. Even though these truer realties may not be widely recognized. I like to depict smart, empathetic characters doing wild and crazy things. There are plenty of people like this—I meet them all the time in my variously intersecting circles of mathematicians, writers, hackers, hipsters, computer people, and artists. But you don’t necessarily see these people in many of the books and movies and videos out there.

If you write about the world as you feel it should be, or like it secretly is, you encourage disaffected readers to hang in there, to stay strong, to be themselves, and keep on the path to the hoped-for Tomorrow.

For decades I read Scientific American to keep an eye on what’s new. But sadly they’ve turned to shit—small fonts and articles about—gak—sociology and political policy and economics? As if. Nowadays it’s enough to keep a loose eye on Twitter, and see the wonders trundling past—like a holiday parade that never ends. Grab hold of anything you see—and tweak it a little bit, and make it your own. Connect it in some way to your actual personal life—that’s the move I call transrealism. And go a little meta—that’s a trickier tactic I’m always trying to master—flip your idea up a level, and into something having to do with states of consciousness, or with the nature of language, or with the meaning of dreams. Go further out. There’s still so much. We’re just getting started.

Rudy Rucker - How to Be a Cult Underground Writer

The relation between appearance and reality is paramount to understanding Western art. When the mind had been separated from the world, art was then targeted to produce a world of images for private consumption by individual subjects. Science, art, and the layman live in the conceptual playground defined by the contrast between the mind and the world 

The mind represents the world. We experience our surroundings. We see the sky, smell flowers. We hear beautiful melodies. Nonetheless, as it has been observed countless times, if you peer inside the brain of someone who is watching a green field of grass, you are not going to find anything green. The brain is just a brain: gray, bloody, and in the dark. 

So, to make a long story short, a scientific explanation of consciousness is still missing. It is still largely a mystery that, although the brain lurks in the dark of our cranium, when we open our eyes, we see the bright light of the sun.

Is the Mind Like a Rainbow?

Another vital contribution of Peirce’s is his fallibilism, the idea that we cannot guarantee truth for any beliefs (though there is some dispute as to whether to extend this idea to mathematics and logic). Fallibilism is important because it means that no matter how much evidence we have collected, induction doesn’t guarantee that the next bit of data won’t show us to be mistaken. However, Peirce did not take this to mean that truth is never possible. For Peirce, enquiry is a community activity, and it is unbounded by time, in principle. Thus, truth is whatever the community of enquirers would agree to be the case by the end of enquiry – ie, by the end of time. This is not the same as denying the existence of Truth, but Peirce’s views require a certain humility and acceptance of the idea that all knowledge is subject to revision.

Nor must any synechist say: ‘I am altogether myself, and not at all you.’ If you embrace synechism, you must abjure this metaphysics of wickedness. In the first place, your neighbours are, in a measure, yourself, and in far greater measure than, without deep studies in psychology, you would believe. Really, the selfhood you like to attribute to yourself is, for the most part, the vulgarest delusion of vanity.

The American Aristotle

This is a sort of sad signal - about the challenge of not connecting the next billion people but the difficulty of connecting the last billion people to the Internet. 
We talk a lot about connecting the next billion users, but the reality is Loon has been chasing the hardest problem of all in connectivity—the last billion users: The communities in areas too difficult or remote to reach, or the areas where delivering service with existing technologies is just too expensive for everyday people. While we’ve found a number of willing partners along the way, we haven’t found a way to get the costs low enough to build a long-term, sustainable business. Developing radical new technology is inherently risky, but that doesn’t make breaking this news any easier. Today, I’m sad to share that Loon will be winding down.

Loon’s bubble bursts—Alphabet shuts down Internet balloon company

After eight years, Loon couldn't find a "long-term, sustainable business."
When Google announced "Project Loon" in 2013, a running joke behind the project was that no one thought a network of flying Internet balloons was a feasible idea. Eight years later, Google has decided that a network of flying Internet balloons is indeed not a feasible idea. Loon announced it is shutting down, citing the lack of a "long-term, sustainable business."

Google also cited economic problems when it shut down Titan Aerospace in 2017, a plan to deliver the Internet via drone.

The name "Loon" came partly from the fact that the project uses flying balloons as a kind of ultra-low-orbit satellite, but also from how "loony" the idea sounded to everyone outside the project. Google's introductory blog post explained the idea of a flying network of Internet balloons and followed up by saying, "The idea may sound a bit crazy—and that’s part of the reason we’re calling it Project Loon—but there’s solid science behind it."

The science mostly seemed to work out. Loon's sales pitch was that about half of the world was not on the Internet. The offline areas are too remote, without enough backhaul to build a traditional Internet infrastructure. So let's build everything here and fly it over there, and then everyone can use our flying Internet infrastructure in the sky. The Loon balloons were flying cell phone towers—they could deliver an LTE signal down to regular smartphones (the cheapest computers we have) with no special equipment for the end user. There was also a home version of Loon with a cute red balloon antenna. Google wanted to integrate Loon balloons into the traditional cell phone network and had partnerships with AT&T, Telkom Kenya, and Telefonica in Peru.

Stuart Kauffman is one of my intellectual heroes bring biological principles to challenge a predominant ‘physics worldview’ of change. This is a 8 page paper well worth the read.
mathematical systems shine as pure crystals and one might expect them to be consistent and complete, as indeed Hilbert did. These hopes have been destroyed by G¨odel, who has set the limits of deductive systems. Despite these limits, we currently rely on mathematical models for understanding systems of any sort, conscious of the possible incompleteness of the deductions we make. But there is a kind of incompleteness we have probably overlooked: what can be entailed by a formal system is already contained in it, and we cannot expect to be able to deduce novelty, to entail the becoming of the biosphere.

The world is not a theorem

The evolution of the biosphere unfolds as a luxuriant generative process of new living forms and functions. Organisms adapt to their environment, and exploit novel opportunities that are created in this continuous blooming dynamics. Affordances play a fundamental role in the evolution of the biosphere, as they represent the opportunities organisms may choose for achieving their goals, thus actualizing what is in potentia. In this paper we maintain that affordances elude a formalization in mathematical terms: we argue that it is not possible to apply set theory to affordances, therefore we cannot devise a mathematical theory of affordances and the evolution of the biosphere. 

A good article signaling the enrichment of our understanding of evolution.
Does the way in which animals improve environments in relation to their needs demand new ways of thinking about evolution’s adaptive landscape? From the most radical niche-construction standpoint, the answer is ‘yes’: organisms don’t just adapt, they co-direct evolution. 
as they move through evolutionary time, organisms don’t just suppress their fitness, but they can also improve their environment, and hence their fitness relative to it. This engineering is sufficiently powerful to help determine evolutionary outcomes.
niche construction modifies natural selection in an orderly, directed and sustained manner. It doesn’t just change, but directs adaptive evolution, by imposing a statistical bias on the direction and strength of selection.
Evolving populations are less like zombie mountaineers, and more like industrious landscape designers

Evolution’s engineers

Organisms do not evolve blindly under forces beyond their control, but shape and influence the evolutionary environment itself
the theory of niche construction is controversial among evolutionary biologists, partly because natural selection is traditionally believed to work ‘blindly’: it is thought to sculpt organisms over millennia to become adapted to their ecological niches, with no steer from the goals or purposes of organisms. Humans undergo the same sculpting, but rather than evolving to fit a pre-existing niche, it’s widely accepted that we’re active agents who shape the environments to which we adapt. Our brains have evolved to process linguistically encoded information and learned knowledge because we built a rich cultural realm and then adapted to it. We domesticated plants and animals and, by incorporating them into our diets, triggered selection for genes that metabolise these foods. We invented agriculture, which fuelled population growth, inadvertently selecting for genetic resistance to diseases of the crowd such as typhoid or cholera. Our parents don’t just transmit their genes to us; we also inherit the changed world they leave in their wake. This ecological inheritance means that humans don’t evolve in response to a static adaptive landscape, but instead mould that landscape to alleviate or intensify the particular selective pressures it places upon us. ‘[T]he organism influences its own evolution, by being both the object of natural selection and the creator of the conditions of that selection,’ as the evolutionary biologists Richard Levins and Richard Lewontin put it.

Just like humans, earthworms have constructed their own niche. Their environments aren’t fixed as rich or poor, but remain dynamic and changeable according to the activity of their inhabitants. Worms aren’t just altering soils – they’re cultivating crops, releasing greenhouse gasses, building homes and aggregating into cities that sprawl out into the countryside, just as we do.

Nor are earthworms the only species that improve their environment through niche construction: marine algae secrete sticky chemicals that bind the sand and stabilise the environment; chaparral and pine trees promote forest fires, which burn off the competition, through dispersing flammable needles, cones and oils; and ant species eliminate trees unsuitable for their colonies by spraying them with acid herbicides or cultivating fungus crops.

Here’s an interesting signal of both niche construction and harnessing natural compounds for human uses.
This discovery marked the first report of a specialized metabolite with broad geographic distribution produced by ant-associated bacteria. While this metabolite was safe for the fungal crop, it inhibited growth of fungal parasites, though—unlike many antibiotics—only in the absence of iron. It was also effective in fighting a Candida albicans infection in mice, comparable to azole-containing antifungal treatments that are used clinically, making it a potential drug candidate.

New antifungal compound from ant farms

Attine ants are farmers, and they grow fungus as food. Pseudonocardia and Streptomyces bacteria are their farmhands, producing metabolites that protect the crop from pathogens. Surprisingly, these metabolites lack common structural features across bacteria from different geographic locations, even though the ants share a common ancestor. Now, researchers report in ACS Central Science they have identified the first shared antifungal compound among many of these bacteria across Brazil. The compound could someday have medical applications.

Attine ants originated as one species at a single location in the Amazon 50 million years ago. They have evolved to 200 species that have spread their farming practices throughout South and Central America. In exchange for food, bacteria at these farms produce small molecules that hold pathogenic fungi such as Escovopsis in check. However, these molecules differ from region to region, suggesting a highly fragmented and geographically limited evolutionary history for the bacteria. Monica T. Pupo, Jon Clardy and colleagues wanted to find out if any antifungal bacterial metabolites with broader distribution had been overlooked in prior investigations.

The debate between nature and nurture has never been completely resolved - but now we also have nature and nature to account for difference in how DNA creates life.
Drawing on deCODE’s genetic databases to analyze variation in multiple cells sampled from 381 monozygotic twin pairs and their immediate family members, the researchers pinpointed a number of mutations that arose during this stage of development in just one member of each pair, meaning that at birth, so-called identical twins may already differ genetically from each other.

Identical Twins Accumulate Genetic Differences in the Womb

DNA replication errors during cell division cause monozygotic twins to diverge from each other even during the earliest stages of development, a new study finds.
Identical twins are not as identical as previously assumed, according to a study published in Nature Genetics. Rather than having exactly the same DNA sequences, twins start accumulating genetic variation from the earliest stages of development, researchers at Iceland-based company deCODE genetics found, meaning that one twin harbors variants that aren’t present in the other.

Also known as monozygotic twins because they develop from a single fertilized egg, identical twins have long been central to research on the relative effects of genes and environment—aka “nature versus nurture.” Although everyone accumulates some genetic mutations during their lifetime, the differences in identical twins were assumed to be minimal, particularly when twins are young, allowing researchers to study how different environments influence the development of people with the same genotype.

The new study focuses specifically on mutations that occur as or before embryos form from the mass of cells inside the blastocyst, a structure that implants in the uterine wall. During this stage of development, this inner cell mass can split to form two separately developing embryos.

And understanding evolution Darwinian selection has been challenged by horizontal gene transfer - of course as with many thing - the answer is not either-or - but AND.

Plant Cells Swap Organelles

Their relocation explains horizontal genome transfer first described more than a decade ago.
Past genetic experiments have shown that, when plants are grafted together, entire genomes can move between the host and the graft, but it was not clear how the genetic material was traveling. In a study published in Science Advances, researchers demonstrated that entire organelles can move between plant cells, bringing their genomes along for the ride.

In the studies before this one, “there was no way to rationally explain how a whole genome got over, other than it went into an organelle. Otherwise, you would have seen genetic recombination between an incoming genome and the resident genome,” says Pal Maliga, a plant biologist at Rutgers University who did not participate in the work. The nucleus, mitochondria, and plastids—the group of small organelles that includes chloroplasts—all contain genetic material. Researchers therefore made the inference that the genomes were moving via organelles, he explains, “but this paper is beautifully showing what the details are. I was very happy to see that the assumptions that were there to explain the biology are actually real.”

A team led by Ralph Bock of the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology showed in a study published in 2009 that grafted tobacco plants could share entire genomes. Horizontal gene transfer—when genetic material passes between individuals via some method other than fertilization—has been shown to influence plant evolution at various levels, including sharing of beneficial genes, but the movement of entire genomes is much less common and understood. While the initial and subsequent studies hinted that the transferred DNA was likely coming from the genomes contained in moving organelles, researchers couldn’t be sure that naked DNA wasn’t being shared in large chunks

This is a hopeful signal of one way to mitigate climate change and food shortages and reclaim our deserts. I remember talking about a possibility of something like this 10 years ago.

This is how you grow vegetables in the Sahara – by piping seawater from the Red Sea across the sands to produce biofuels and electricity.

The ambition of the Sahara Forest Project is to make the world’s deserts productive again, ultimately restoring vegetation. A team of engineers, architects, biologists, environmentalists and business people have come together to create a concept based on a simple, yet big, idea: Why not make use of proven environmental technologies and take what we have enough of – saltwater, sunlight and desert land – to produce what we need more of? That would be sustainable food, water and energy.

All they require is a low­-lying area of desert that is close to the ocean of which, like people, the earth has in abundance. 

Founded on the premise that we must find a more holistic approach to successfully tackle challenges related to energy, food and water security, the new Sahara Forest Project saltwater pipeline, scheduled to be finished late summer 2021, will carry water from the Red Sea – piping seawater to innovative bio­plants where clusters of solar and salt water evaporation technologies will combine to produce biofuels and electricity, as well as food crops and purified water. 

A few other projects are enacting other forms of greening.

The water allies hydrating Greek islands

In the Greek islands, a community of ‘water allies’ is working to solve the problems of water supply, wastewater and biodiversity loss – by extracting water from unconventional sources.

Clever cocoons transform the drylands

No irrigation? No problem. These clever tree-planting cocoons can bring soil back to life and restore dry, dusty land back to its former, greener glory.

And a similar signal in a different domain.

New eco-friendly way to make ammonia could be boon for agriculture, hydrogen economy

Ammonia has sustained humanity since the early 20th century, but its production leaves a huge carbon footprint. Now researchers have found a way to make it 100 percent renewable.
Chemical engineers at UNSW Sydney and University of Sydney have found a way to make 'green' ammonia from air, water and renewable electricity that does not require the high temperatures, high pressure and huge infrastructure currently needed to produce this essential compound.

And the new production method—demonstrated in a laboratory-based proof of concept—also has the potential to play a role in the global transition towards a hydrogen economy, where ammonia is increasingly seen as a solution to the problem of storing and transporting hydrogen energy.

In a paper published today in Energy and Environmental Science, the authors from UNSW and University of Sydney say that ammonia synthesis was one of the critical achievements of the 20th century. When used in fertilizers that quadrupled the output of food crops, it enabled agriculture to sustain an ever-expanding global population.

Hydrogen has been a signal for a renewable energy source for decades now - perhaps we will see it sooner then the horizon of skepticism predicts - but then there are still ‘details’ to deal with.

World-first home hydrogen battery stores 3x the energy of a Powerwall 2

To get off the grid with home solar, you need to be able to generate energy when the Sun's out, and store it for when it's not. Normally, people do this with lithium battery systems – Tesla's Powerwall 2 is an example. But Australian company Lavo has built a rather spunky (if chunky) cabinet that can sit on the side of your house and store your excess energy as hydrogen.

The Lavo Green Energy Storage System measures 1,680 x 1,240 x 400 mm (66 x 49 x 15.7 inches) and weighs a meaty 324 kg (714 lb), making it very unlikely to be pocketed by a thief. You connect it to your solar inverter (it has to be a hybrid one) and the mains water (through a purification unit), and sit back as it uses excess energy to electrolyze the water, releasing oxygen and storing the hydrogen in a patented metal hydride "sponge" at a pressure of 30 bar, or 435 psi.

It stores some 40 kilowatt-hours worth of energy, three times as much as Tesla's current Powerwall 2 and enough to run an average home for two days. And when that energy is needed, it uses a fuel cell to deliver energy into the home, adding a small 5-kWh lithium buffer battery for instantaneous response. There's Wi-Fi connectivity, and a phone app for monitoring and control, and businesses with higher power needs can run several in parallel to form an "intelligent virtual power plant."

Shades of science fiction - anyone who enjoyed the 2004-9 version of ‘Battlestar Galactica’ may have also loved the spin-off prequel of 20910 called Caprica - if anyone watched this series - then this may send some shivers up your spine. Also more recently:
 It is famously the plot of the Black Mirror episode “Be Right Back”, where a young woman uses a service to scrape data from her deceased partner to create a chatbot – and eventually a robot.


Microsoft has been granted a patent that would allow the company to make a chatbot using the personal information of deceased people.  
The patent describes creating a bot based on the “images, voice data, social media posts, electronic messages”, and more personal information.

“The specific person [who the chat bot represents] may correspond to a past or present entity (or a version thereof), such as a friend, a relative, an acquaintance, a celebrity, a fictional character, a historical figure, a random entity etc”, it goes on to say.

“The specific person may also correspond to oneself (e.g., the user creating/training the chat bot,” Microsoft also describes – implying that living users could train a digital replacement in the event of their death.

Microsoft has even included the notion of 2D or 3D models of specific people being generated via images and depth information, or video data.


gota new lectric shaver -
bit of a razor burn -
nota big thing - 
i should have read the instructions -
sort of like asking for directions - 
or just listening -
hormones can make men -
so irrational

mhm - 
an affordance is -
an unknown unknown -
 till it becomes a -
 known enabler of a -
known wantable -
 or - 
a step-o-faith - 
to find enablemeants - 
and -
so on

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Friday Thinking 22 Jan 2021

Friday Thinking is a humble curation of my foraging in the digital environment. Choices are based on my own curiosity and that suggest we are in the midst of a change in the conditions of change - a phase-transition. That tomorrow will be radically unlike yesterday.

Many thanks to those who enjoy this.
In the 21st Century curiosity is what skills the cat -
for life of skillful means .
Jobs are dying - Work is just beginning.
Work that engages our whole self becomes play that works.

The emerging world-of-connected-everything - digital environment - 
computational ecology - 
may still require humans as the consciousness of its own existence. 

To see red - is to know other colors - without the ground of others - there is no figure - differences that make a defference.  

‘There are times, ‘when I catch myself believing there is something which is separate from something else.’

“I'm not failing - I'm Learning"
Quellcrist Falconer - Altered Carbon



Bruce Sterling - State of the World 2021

I am not I

An externalist approach to creativity: discovery versus recombination

Time Is the Universal Measure of Freedom



Only by taking leave of our senses can we plunge into reverie

As Wikipedia turns 20 it aims to reach more readers

A framework to assess the importance of variables for different predictive models

Drones could help create a quantum internet

Rare quadruple-helix DNA found in living human cells with glowing probes

Designer protein helps paralyzed mice walk again in breakthrough study

Inspired by kombucha tea, engineers create 'living materials'

Scientists make sustainable polymer from sugars in wood

Guy Struggles Picking Up His Parkinson’s Meds, TikToker Helps By Designing Pill Bottle For People With Shaky Hands

Yellow mealworm safe for humans to eat, says EU food safety agency


I think that this year the surveillance debate will improve.   I see hints of some new common-sense emerging.   It's a little bit like pitifully afraid of  wicked spies under the bed, but when you're actually governed by wicked spies, as the Russians are, you're less irrationally respectful of them, and you get a better understanding of their inherent limits as power-players.   Not that the problems go away, mind you; you just get a better grip on the existent situation.

Little Tech used to move fast and break things, but Big Tech moves slow and still breaks things, so they make a much easier target than they once did.  And, they know that.  So they're adjusting — but not nimbly.  They move like elephants now.

"Information wants to be free" is long over in MMXXI.  It was a historic moment, but it was replaced by the surveillance-capital Big Tech doctrine  "Information about you wants to be free to us."  

However, that profiteering doctrine also got old and stale, and the contemporary problem is an identity-politics crisis.  It's about the deeper, culture-war reality of Us not really being Us and You never really being You; the Jekyll-and-Hyde horror of having to denounce your own face in the mirror, while you have to batter the people  who love you best.

The Electronic Frontier's just not a frontier now, it's densely settled, it's got all kinds of wealth and infrastructure to quarrel over, and it's got a blooming plethora of economic, legal, social and ethical problems.

The WELL really was a purple-haze cyberspace ivory tower for quite a while, I can fondly remember how thrilling that was, but nowadays it is what it is, which is a funky little mom-and-pop legacy-media niche.  That's what the passage of time does, it's the nature of history and futurity, there's a melancholy beauty to it.  You shouldn't whine about it any more than you ought to wring your hands about the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

Bruce Sterling - State of the World 2021

In this way of thinking, we leave behind the western notion of the self-governing, independent individual for a different notion, of interdependent people whose identities are established in interaction with each other. From this perspective, individual change cannot be separated from changes in the groups to which an individual belongs. And changes in the groups don’t take place without the individuals changing. We form our groups and our followerships and they form us at the same time, all the time.

Identity is a pattern in time.

Richer connections and more challenging, more exploratory conversations leave people feeling more alive, more inspired and capable of far more.

I am not I

Arthur Schopenhauer stated that talent hits the target others cannot hit while genius hits the target others cannot see.

Consider two examples of mathematical creativity. In the first case, a student has to find a solution to a difficult algebraic problem. The student may apply all known rules and the solution lies somewhere inside the huge solution space offered by traditional mathematics. In the second case, consider the invention of imaginary numbers. They allow the solution of otherwise intractable mathematical problems but at the cost of expanding the original solution space. Creativity is involved in both cases, but there is a clear difference between the two. The former does not emerge from the original solution space, while the latter reaches a new state of affairs in the world (all those situation that may be conveniently modeled by imaginary numbers). Yet, even the second case is not a totally arbitrary addition to the original space. In fact, if one could arbitrarily add new rules, it would be possible to solve any problem simply by imagination. This is not the case. There is a sort of creative imagination that is able to provide new rules and a new solution space that have some sort of coherence with the external world.

An externalist approach to creativity: discovery versus recombination

Steward also saw consumerism as a way to achieve an industrialized democracy. Mass enjoyment of the prosperity that an industrial economy creates was necessary to keep the engine running; for Steward, “consumerism” meant the ability of workers to buy the things they need through their own fair share of what they were creating. He saw it as a method for harnessing and deploying working-class power as well as stabilizing the economy. He attacked those who used the concepts of thrift and self-denial to discipline the working-class. The “charge of extravagance” against working people “is made to sustain the claim that wages ought not to be any higher.” Consumerism wasn’t just about individuals satisfying their own desires and preferences, but a way for workers to claim a share of the economy that they produced for themselves. This consumerism allowed workers to build a culture and gain control over their time and neighborhoods, to keep their traditions and communities, and ease the experience of the often brutal working conditions they faced. Shorter working hours contribute to freedom by creating the time and cultural space necessary for civil society to thrive.

Time Is the Universal Measure of Freedom

As the 3rd decade of the 21st Century begins - it has become evident that social media and other media platforms - have some responsibilities regarding the protections of civil society - regarding hate speech and related contents - this is a signal of a good place to start.
So sure, condemn Parler, condemn Apple and Google for including them in the app stores, but please let's not pretend that "hate speech filters" exist as anything but grifty promises from overcapitalised snake-oil salesmen flogging their magic beans.

I am all for platforms (including app stores) having a variety of speech policies. After all, I expect different speech standards when I'm tucking my daughter in at night, when I'm in a professional meeting, when I'm having a conversation around a campfire, and when I'm in a political debate. I want to have a variety of conversational spaces that I can choose among based on my preferences about the suitability of the house rules to the context of the discourse I want to have.

Like the pandemic, Parler is revealing the latent fragility of our systems. Parler is vulnerable to takedown by a duopoly of app stores, by a oligopoly of cloud providers, by a tiny coterie of payment processors. [see state of the world 2021 - above]
Cory Doctorow


On Transparency and Accountability in Content Moderation
These principles are meant to serve as a starting point, outlining minimum levels of transparency and accountability that we hope can serve as the basis for a more in-depth dialogue in the future.

On the occasion of the first Content Moderation at Scale conference in Santa Clara, CA on February 2nd, 2018, a small private workshop of organizations, advocates, and academic experts who support the right to free expression online was convened to consider how best to obtain meaningful transparency and accountability around internet platforms’ increasingly aggressive moderation of user-generated content.

Now, on the occasion of the second Content Moderation at Scale conference in Washington, DC on May 7th, 2018, we propose these three principles as initial steps that companies engaged in content moderation should take to provide meaningful due process to impacted speakers and better ensure that the enforcement of their content guidelines is fair, unbiased, proportional, and respectful of users’ rights.

- Companies should publish the numbers of posts removed and accounts permanently or temporarily suspended due to violations of their content guidelines.
- Companies should provide notice to each user whose content is taken down or account is suspended about the reason for the removal or suspension.
- Companies should provide a meaningful opportunity for timely appeal of any content removal or account suspension.

This is an important piece that should be a contributor to knowledge generation, learning, the future of work - if we want the best from ourselves in ways that can enable a flourishing society. Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone’s work had regular moments of reverie?

Only by taking leave of our senses can we plunge into reverie

If we are to understand reverie, we need to differentiate it from flow. The psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi describes the flow state as the subjective experience of engaging in just-manageable challenges by tackling a series of clear proximal goals. But first comes a preparation period whereby we immerse ourselves into a group of problematic themes that stir up our interest and curiosity. Does the difference between talent and genius, certainty and uncertainty, embodiment and ecstasy reside in differences between flow and reverie? That reverie is simply intense flow is questionable, since reverie can be a sudden illumination and feel perilous. Indeed, the Norwegian psychoanalyst Eystein VÃ¥penstad, quoting Steven Cooper, refers to ‘rougherie’.

Because reverie is indistinct, flow is better studied, and getting in among the material seems key to its initial stages. On hearing that ‘marble changes colour under different people’s hands’, the sculptor Barbara Hepworth realised that it was ‘not dominance which one had to attain over material, but an understanding, almost a kind of persuasion, and above all greater co-ordination between head and hand.’ Absorbed in playing or making, we process feedback on our progress, and adjust our actions accordingly. This holds whether playing Fortnite (ludic) or making pinch pots (aesthetic). Brain-imaging studies have begun to map the interconnected brain areas that contribute to flow states. But the well of suppressed experience and imagery, drawn upon in reverie in combination with the flickering fragility of the state itself, is not so amenable to study.

This is an amazing signal - for something nobody predicted because it was inconceivable as a business model. Imagine a world where Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms - were non-profit foundations? 
Wikipedia's non-profit status nature make it an outlier among today's internet dominated by the likes of Google and Facebook, and hark back to the web's early idealistic days when the open-source movement harnessed the talents of volunteers to offer free access to tools and knowledge.
That's really important that the next billion people, two billion people who come online are going to want to participate in Wikipedia, to grow their own storehouse of knowledge, and they're going to rely on us to support that work, and that's a big part of how I think about the future,

As Wikipedia turns 20 it aims to reach more readers

Wikipedia celebrates its 20th anniversary on Friday and the collaborative, volunteer-produced internet encyclopedia aims to spend the next 20 years further expanding free access to information.

Founded on January 15, 2001 by the American-British entrepreneur Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia is now the seventh-most popular website in the world, with its more than 55 million articles being consulted 15 billion times every month.

The website started in English but within two months had already launched in German and Swedish. It is now available in 309 languages.

But Wales doesn't intend to stop there, with the languages of the developing world in the website's sights.

This is an innovation in model making that is worth noting.

A framework to assess the importance of variables for different predictive models

Two researchers at Duke University have recently devised a useful approach to examine how essential certain variables are for increasing the reliability/accuracy of predictive models. Their paper, published in Nature Machine Intelligence, could ultimately aid the development of more reliable and better performing machine-learning algorithms for a variety of applications.

"Most people pick a predictive machine-learning technique and examine which variables are important or relevant to its predictions afterwards," Jiayun Dong, one of the researchers who carried out the study, told TechXplore. "What if there were two models that had similar performance but used wildly different variables? If that was the case, an analyst could make a mistake and think that one variable is important, when in fact, there is a different, equally good model for which a totally different set of variables is important."

Dong and his colleague Cynthia Rudin introduced a method that researchers can use to examine the importance of variables for a variety of almost-optimal predictive models. This approach, which they refer to as "variable importance clouds," could be used to gain a better understanding of machine-learning models before selecting the most promising to complete a given task.

The term "variable importance clouds" comes from the idea that there are several models (i.e., a whole "cloud" of them) that one can assess in terms of variable importance. These clouds can help researchers to identify variables that are important and those that are not. Typically, the importance of one variable implies that another variable is less important (i.e., does not guide a given model's predictions as much).

This is an interesting signal of a plausible future internet - one that could also include Google’s project Loon and it’s own quantum capabilities.

Drones could help create a quantum internet

Scientists have used octocopters to send entangled photons to distant locations
Scientists have now used drones to transmit particles of light, or photons, that share the quantum linkage called entanglement. The photons were sent to two locations a kilometer apart, researchers from Nanjing University in China report in a study to appear in Physical Review Letters.

Entangled quantum particles can retain their interconnected properties even when separated by long distances. Such counterintuitive behavior can be harnessed to allow new types of communication. Eventually, scientists aim to build a global quantum internet that relies on transmitting quantum particles to enable ultrasecure communications by using the particles to create secret codes to encrypt messages. A quantum internet could also allow distant quantum computers to work together, or perform experiments that test the limits of quantum physics.

Quantum networks made with fiber-optic cables are already beginning to be used. And a quantum satellite can transmit photons across China. Drones could serve as another technology for such networks, with the advantages of being easily movable as well as relatively quick and cheap to deploy.

I’ve been thinking about our domestication of DNA for a few years now. It seems that there’s more to know about DNA.
"A different DNA shape will have an enormous impact on all processes involving it—such as reading, copying, or expressing genetic information.
"Evidence has been mounting that G-quadruplexes play an important role in a wide variety of processes vital for life, and in a range of diseases, but the missing link has been imaging this structure directly in living cells."

Rare quadruple-helix DNA found in living human cells with glowing probes

New probes allow scientists to see four-stranded DNA interacting with molecules inside living human cells, unraveling its role in cellular processes.
DNA usually forms the classic double helix shape of two strands wound around each other. While DNA can form some more exotic shapes in test tubes, few are seen in real living cells.

However, four-stranded DNA, known as G-quadruplex, has recently been seen forming naturally in human cells. Now, in new research published today in Nature Communications, a team led by Imperial College London scientists have created new probes that can see how G-quadruplexes are interacting with other molecules inside living cells.

An amazing signal - maybe bring real hope to so many people with paralysis.
Not only did motor neurons near the site of injection begin to produce hIL-6 themselves, but they passed it along through axonal side branches to other neurons responsible for actions like walking. And sure enough, within a few weeks the mice regained function in their hind legs, even after just a single injection.

Designer protein helps paralyzed mice walk again in breakthrough study

In a new study, German scientists have restored the ability to walk in mice that had been paralyzed after a complete spinal cord injury. The team created a “designer” signaling protein and injected it into the animals’ brains, stimulating their nerve cells to regenerate and share the recipe to make the protein.

Spinal cord injuries are among the most debilitating. Damaged nerve fibers (axons) may no longer be able to transmit signals between the brain and muscles, often resulting in paralysis to the lower limbs. Worse still, these axons cannot regenerate.

Previous studies have shown promise in restoring some limb function through spinal stimulation therapy, or by bypassing the injury site altogether. Other promising research in similar areas has involved using compounds that restore balance to the inhibitory/excitatory signals in the neurons of partially paralyzed mice, and transplanting regenerating nose nerve cells into the spines of injured dogs.

But in the new study, researchers from Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) in Germany took a different path, aiming to repair the damaged axons with a protein they call hyper-interleukin-6 (hIL-6). As the name suggests, this is a synthetic version of a naturally occurring peptide, which has been tweaked to stimulate nerve cell regeneration.

I love this signal of the future of manufacturing and materials creation.
"We foresee a future where diverse materials could be grown at home or in local production facilities, using biology rather than resource-intensive centralized manufacturing," says Timothy Lu, an MIT associate professor of electrical engineering and computer science and of biological engineering.

Inspired by kombucha tea, engineers create 'living materials'

Engineers at MIT and Imperial College London have developed a new way to generate tough, functional materials using a mixture of bacteria and yeast similar to the "kombucha mother" used to ferment tea.

Using this mixture, also called a SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast), the researchers were able to produce cellulose embedded with enzymes that can perform a variety of functions, such as sensing environmental pollutants. They also showed that they could incorporate yeast directly into the material, creating "living materials" that could be used to purify water or to make "smart" packaging materials that can detect damage.

Lu and Tom Ellis, a professor of bioengineering at Imperial College London, are the senior authors of the paper, which appears today in Nature Materials. The paper's lead authors are MIT graduate student Tzu-Chieh Tang and Cambridge University postdoc Charlie Gilbert.

To demonstrate the potential of their microbe culture, which they call "Syn-SCOBY," the researchers created a material incorporating yeast that senses estradiol, which is sometimes found as an environmental pollutant. In another version, they used a strain of yeast that produces a glowing protein called luciferase when exposed to blue light. These yeasts could be swapped out for other strains that detect other pollutants, metals, or pathogens.

I love this signal of metabolic plastic - Personally I don’t want to ban plastic - I want to ban landfill and create plastic that can be metabolized easily into new forms or new materials.
additional functionality could be added to this versatile polymer by binding other chemical groups such as fluorescent probes or dyes to the sugar molecule, for biological or chemical sensing applications
This polymer is particularly versatile because its physical and chemicals properties can be tweaked easily, to make a crystalline material or more of a flexible rubber, as well as to introduce very specific chemical functionalities

Scientists make sustainable polymer from sugars in wood

Scientists from the University of Bath have made a sustainable polymer using the second most abundant sugar in nature, xylose.

Not only does the new nature-inspired material reduce reliance on crude oil products, but its properties can also be easily controlled to make the material flexible or crystalline.

The researchers, from the University's Centre for Sustainable and Circular Technologies, report the polymer, from the polyether family, has a variety of applications, including as a building block for polyurethane, used in mattresses and shoe soles; as a bio-derived alternative to polyethylene glycol, a chemical widely used in bio-medicine; or to polyethylene oxide, sometimes used as electrolyte in batteries.

This is a good signal - showing the positive power of the open community of idea - technology - the Internet - and people with good intentions.

Guy Struggles Picking Up His Parkinson’s Meds, TikToker Helps By Designing Pill Bottle For People With Shaky Hands

It is estimated that around 10 million people in the world live with Parkinson’s disease. If you’re not aware, Parkinson’s is a brain disorder that leads the person to experience shaking, muscle stiffness, and difficulty with walking, balance, and coordination.

One of the most renowned and inspiring people with Parkinson’s disease (PD), Jimmy Choi, went to TikTok to rant about the pill containers that his Parkinson’s medication comes in—despite it being for PD patients, it’s not really designed for that.

Another TikTok user saw this and was heartbroken, prompting him to come up with a solution to this.

The future of food promises all manner of new sources of nourishment.

Yellow mealworm safe for humans to eat, says EU food safety agency

Move paves way for high-protein maggot-like insect to be approved for consumption across Europe
Yellow mealworm finger foods, smoothies, biscuits, pasta and burgers could soon be mass produced across Europe after the insect became the first to be found safe for human consumption by the EU food safety agency.

The delicacies may not be advisable for everyone, however. Those with prawn and dustmite allergies are likely to suffer a reaction to the Tenebrio molitor larvae, whether eaten in powder form as part of a recipe or as a crunchy snack, perhaps dipped in chocolate.

The conclusion of scientists at the EU food safety agency, following an application by France’s first insect-for-food production company, Micronutris, is expected to lead to EU-wide approval within months of yellow mealworm as a product fit for supermarket shelves and kitchen pantries across the continent.


but the visioning -

was so cone-of-possibilities - 
linear-intuitive constrained - 
old-dogs who know the world - 
smart young pups -
ready to game the world - 
betting the future -
is playing probabilities smartly -
blind to wise paradox - 
kons -

The cat is in superposition - 
unalive-undead -

The cat observed -
COLLAPSES into 'a' state -
unalive -
undead - 

We are observing a world in a superposition
of possibilities - 
Can we can observe it -
in such a way - 
that it collapses - 
to a better -
alive-ness -