Thursday, July 2, 2020

Friday Thinking 3 July 2020

Friday Thinking is a humble curation of my foraging in the digital environment. My purpose is to pick interesting pieces, based on my own curiosity (and the curiosity of the many interesting people I follow), about developments in some key domains (work, organization, social-economy, intelligence, domestication of DNA, energy, etc.)  that suggest we are in the midst of a change in the conditions of change - a phase-transition. That tomorrow will be radically unlike yesterday.

Many thanks to those who enjoy this.

In the 21st Century curiosity will SKILL the cat.

To see red - is to know other colors - without the ground of others - there is no figure - differences that make a defference.

'There are times, when I catch myself believing there is something which is separate from something else.'

“Be careful what you ‘insta-google-tweet-face’”
Woody Harrelson - Triple 9



Our greatest invention was the invention of invention itself

Tribal Leadership in the Army


Book Review: The Deficit Myth: Modern Monetary Theory and the Birth of the People’s Economy

The House Has a Universal Fiber Broadband Plan We Should Get Behind

Adversarial Interoperability

The Endangered Internet Archive Is Full of Treasures

Countries agree regulations for automated driving

California considers 1st-in-US electric truck sales rule

Quantum entanglement demonstrated aboard orbiting CubeSat

Folding@home's fight against COVID-19 enlists big tech, gamers, and pro soccer

Higher Ed: Enough Already

From the lab, the first cartilage-mimicking gel that's strong enough for knees

Transgenic rice lowers blood pressure of hypertensive rats

Far-UVC Light Safely Kills 99.9% of Airborne Coronaviruses

Dor’s proposal, made in his book The Instruction of the Imagination (2015), is about the nature and origins of language. In outline, the story is this. As their societies became more collaborative, archaic humans needed to communicate in more complex ways, warning, assisting, advising and instructing each other. They did this pantomime-fashion, using gestures, expressions and vocal mimicry to direct attention to what they meant. Their object was what Dor calls ‘experiential mutual-identification’– to get their interlocutors to share and acknowledge their experience, to see what they saw, feel what they felt, react as they reacted. They were highly skilled at it. Yet this experiential-mimetic form of communication had a serious limitation. Because it worked by sharing experience, it was limited to communication about things that were on hand to be experienced. You could communicate that there was a wolf approaching only if you could get your hearers to see the creature for themselves. You couldn’t communicate about things distant in time and space. As early human societies became more complex, this limitation became more serious.

The trick was to take the sound or gesture already associated with a thing and use it in a new way – not as an invitation to experience the thing, but as an instruction to imagine it. When a speaker made the ‘wolf’ sound when no wolf was present, their hearers drew on their memories of wolves to imagine a wolf somewhere out of sight. If the speaker added the sound for ‘hill’, their hearers combined memories of wolves and hills to imagine a wolf on the hill, and reacted accordingly. With this, communication was released from the here and now. As Dor puts it, a Rubicon was crossed: ‘For the first time in the evolution of life, humans began to experience for others, and let others experience for them.’ This was the birth of language.

If Dor’s suggestion is right, then language would have paved the way for hypothetical thinking. Language enabled humans to learn about things they hadn’t experienced themselves. But it enabled more than that. By combining linguistic elements in different ways, speakers could issue instructions for imagining an unlimited range of things – not only things their hearers hadn’t experienced but things no one had experienced. They could instruct them to imagine what might happen, what should happen, even what could not happen. Gradually, they would have discovered that they could use this ability creatively, to tell stories, create myths, and deceive each other. And, crucially from our perspective, they would have discovered that they could use it to propose hypotheses. As they talked over a bad day’s hunting, they could suggest explanations for what went wrong, propose ways of doing things better, and put forward plans for the next day.

In brief, the idea is this. Once they developed language, our ancestors would sometimes talk to themselves, at first by accident. And when they did, they would hear their own utterances and, often, react to them as they did to other people’s. When they asked themselves a question, they answered; when they admonished themselves, they worked harder; when they reminded themselves, they focused more, and so on – these reactions being generated spontaneously by non-conscious processes. Sometimes, one utterance would provoke another, and that another, and so on, generating a lengthy train of thought. This process of mental self-stimulation helped to coordinate the resources of different brain systems, and it proved useful, enhancing self-control and promoting sustained patterns of behaviour. Humans formed habits of private speech and gradually developed the ability to talk to themselves silently in inner speech. They also adopted other forms of mental self-stimulation, such as drawing pictures or visualising them. Elaborated and refined, the stream of self-generated speech and other imagery, and the associated mental reactions, came to form what we call the conscious mind.

As they cultivated these habits, mentally stimulating themselves and paying careful attention to the results, humans did something else, too. They created the sense that there was a private world inside them, where their real self lived and thought, a world that sometimes seemed more real to them than the one around them. In a sense, they created their own conscious minds and selves.

Our greatest invention was the invention of invention itself

Leadership. This ten letter word dominates the life of the modern Soldier. Echoing and reverberating up and down the ranks, the objective yet subjective, intuitive yet inculcated, defined yet indefinite, standards of leadership are expressed by leaders of all ranks daily. Soldiers become leaders in name by simple association with the Army. They inherit the responsibilities and obligations to lead by volunteering to serve. Guiding the Soldier Leader to the embodiment of leadership, are attributes, characteristics, ethos, and values all laid out and carefully considered. Each bullet point definition imperative and available for quick reference. While inclusive and detailed, the manuals on leadership are not definitive, as General Raymond Odierno, the former Army Chief of Staff, says in his opening statement of ADP 6–22,

“Army Leadership, describes our foundational leadership principles. I challenge each of you to study and build upon this doctrine to prepare yourselves, your peers, and your Soldiers to meet the challenges you are sure to face.”

Army Leadership is succinct, organized, foundational, and institutionalized. We are all products of this system which produces “leaders.” We were all given the same tools, the same definitions, and the same lessons. Yet, we all encounter (perceived or real) poor leadership, repeatably, across organizations and installations throughout the Army. We often throw out words like “Toxic,” “Deltas,” or “Leader-shit,” when we come across leadership styles we find insufficient. How could this be? How could there be so many inept leaders in a profession that specializes in generating leaders? Is there really a population of flawed leaders out there? Or is it our lens for assessing others that is flawed?

Our institutionally developed understanding of leadership forces an encounter between the perceived leader and the assessed non-leader, as our perspective for assessing leadership qualities is dominated by a focus on the individual. This is a dangerous and harmful frame of reference. It generates a competitive, lone warrior, mentality of comparison and evaluation between leaders— limiting organizational growth over the opportunity to improve the individual’s position/environment. Innovative and selfless leadership, built upon the Army Leadership principles, is essential to leading in this Army of Leaders, and innovation is created by cultural change, not individual specialization.

The tribal culture spectrum produced, moves from the individual victim to the enlightened team. The difference between each tribe is delineated by increasing emphasis on the group’s well being and a decreasing focus on the individual’s status within their environments.

Tribal Leadership in the Army

This is a must read for everyone concerned with having our nations meet the challenges of climate change, the recovery from COVID-19 and building the infrastructures, institutions and other structures for flourishing in the 21st Century

Kelton’s book achieves a revolution in political economy. Kelton’s first great achievement leaves the conventional hawk/dove conception of deficits shattered. She decisively shows there is no budgetary constraint on government spending; instead the only real constraints on government spending are the limits of real resources and the threat of inflation. Kelton’s second great achievement is to shift the normative grounds of government spending from the false and unproductive idea that federal deficits are evil, and to the productive political activity of deciding which spending programmes should be prioritised. Her Copernican achievements furthermore make esoteric debates on money accessible to a wide audience and wonky ‘pie-in-the-sky’ policy debates both comprehensible and realistic. The context of the current economic shutdown will place modern monetary theory and The Deficit Myth centre stage.

Book Review: The Deficit Myth: Modern Monetary Theory and the Birth of the People’s Economy

In The Deficit Myth: Modern Monetary Theory and the Birth of the People’s Economy, Stephanie Kelton dispels six key myths that have shaped the conventional understanding of deficits as inherently bad, instead arguing that deficits can strengthen economies and lead to faster growth. This book is a triumph, writes Professor Hans G. Despain, shifting normative grounds of government spending away from the false and unproductive idea that deficits are irresponsible and ruinous towards the productive political activity of deciding which spending programmes should be prioritised.

Kelton’s groundbreaking triumphs are twofold. The first is that Kelton shatters both the deficit hawk and deficit dove view of public debt. Deficit hawks constitute the conventional wisdom on debt and contend the government is being irresponsible when it has a deficit, and therefore needs to balance its budget at almost any cost. Deficit hawks argue that public debt is ruinous to a currency and the country itself. Deficit hawks argue a country should tighten its purse strings and suffer short-term consequences to avoid long-term disaster. Deficit doves agree, but contend deficits can be used in the short term for emergencies and overcoming economic crises.

To begin with, Kelton takes on the myth that governments should be fiscally run like a household (Chapter One). This is false because the government is nothing close to a household or private business. The big difference is that households and businesses are users of money, while governments are issuers of money (17 – 18).

Think of it this way: if you were granted the legal right and the ability to print as many US dollars as you wished, would that change your debt? The answer, of course, is yes. Your debt would no longer matter, because you can always just print more money.

Second, to view public deficits as overspending is a myth (Chapter Two), because a government deficit creates a surplus for someone else. The third myth is that deficits burden the next generation (Chapter Three). It is false that deficits make the next generation poorer, and it is also false that reducing deficits will make the next generation richer. Rather, the historical record shows high national debt creates wealth and increases the income of the next generation.

The fourth myth is that deficits crowd out private business (Chapter Four). Kelton argues that deficit spending properly targeted stimulates, or ‘crowds-in’, private business growth. The fifth myth is that deficits make us dependent on overseas nations (Chapter Five).  Instead trade deficits should be understood as a ‘stuff’ surplus: e.g. China gets US Treasury bonds, and the US gets Apple computers and other ‘stuff’. The sixth myth is that Social Security and public health programmes are propelling us toward a fiscal crisis (Chapter Six); here, Kelton shows the governments can always meet demographic and healthcare fiscal obligations.

The future of this particular initiative remains uncertain - but the world needs to come to terms with the need for publicly funded and owned digital infrastructure - Canadians should be paying attention.

Fiber is a future-proofed infrastructure that is vastly superior to the current copper and cable networks available to most people. EFF’s technical analysis shows that it will continue to leapfrog past cable, wireless, and other transmission mediums. Because it can be useful for decades, sustaining older slower networks with government funds will actually cost more in the long term.

The House Has a Universal Fiber Broadband Plan We Should Get Behind

America is behind on its transition to a 21st-century, fiber-connected Internet with no plan for how to fix the problem. Until today. For the first time, legislation led by Majority Whip James Clyburn would begin a national transition of everyone’s Internet connection into multi-gigabit capable fiber optics has been introduced and is likely heading towards a vote on the House floor as part of the overall COVID-19 recovery effort. After that its future remains in the hands of the Senate. 

The Accessible, Affordable Internet for All Act (H.R. 7302) would create an $80 billion fiber infrastructure program run by a new Office of Internet Connectivity and Growth that would coordinate all federal infrastructure efforts with state governments. Such an ambitious program would have the United States match China’s efforts to build universal fiber with the U.S. completing its transition just a few short years after China. Without this law, the transition would take decades. This would ensure that the multi-gigabit innovations in applications and services can be created in the United States and also used by all Americans. A universal fiber program would also allow next-generation Wi-Fi and 5G to have national coverage as well as any future iterations of wireless technology. But perhaps most importantly of all, the issue of the digital divide would be solved in its entirety and properly relegated to the history books.

If we want a thriving political economy - both collaboration and competition have to be enabled - that means much more rigorous constraints on the granting of protection of copyright and patented ideas.

Adversarial Interoperability

“Interoperability” is the act of making a new product or service work with an existing product or service: modern civilization depends on the standards and practices that allow you to put any dish into a dishwasher or any USB charger into any car’s cigarette lighter.

But interoperability is just the ante. For a really competitive, innovative, dynamic marketplace, you need adversarial interoperability: that’s when you create a new product or service that plugs into the existing ones without the permission of the companies that make them. Think of third-party printer ink, alternative app stores, or independent repair shops that use compatible parts from rival manufacturers to fix your car or your phone or your tractor.

Adversarial interoperability was once the driver of tech’s dynamic marketplace, where the biggest firms could go from top of the heap to scrap metal in an eyeblink, where tiny startups could topple dominant companies before they even knew what hit them.

But the current crop of Big Tech companies has secured laws, regulations, and court decisions that have dramatically restricted adversarial interoperability. From the flurry of absurd software patents that the US Patent and Trademark Office granted in the dark years between the first software patents and the Alice decision to the growing use of "digital rights management" to create legal obligations to use the products you purchase in ways that benefit shareholders at your expense, Big Tech climbed the adversarial ladder and then pulled it up behind them.

The ephemeral nature of knowledge and information poses serious challenges to maintaining a history - when the growth of knowledge is exponential and the evaporation rate of the Internet is equally fast.

The Endangered Internet Archive Is Full of Treasures

The Internet Archive set out in the 1990s with an improbable mission to become the “Library of Alexandria Two”; by 2020, they’ve arguably surpassed that goal, plus delivered their collection straight to the masses. It’s the only repository where a NASA recap of the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster logically coexists with a 1990 recording of the Grateful Dead live in Connecticut and a 1979 hip hop mix tape. Whether you need to settle a dispute over the origins of the Buffyverse, or you’re litigating trademark infringement, the Wayback machine’s vast archive of old webpages is admissible evidence. You can search for TV news videos by quotes. At this writing, the archive bot is quietly, surgically extracting rotten links and replacing them with Wayback pages (millions so far), and the archive is filling in over 100,000 book references with live links to pages in full texts. These are the guys who tell us to archive our shit and save it for us anyway when we don’t.

We don’t need to tell you, but we’re doing it, because many are worried that a recent copyright lawsuit brought by major publishing companies will decimate the Internet Archive. Maybe that’s hype—as Vox has pointed out, the maximum penalties under the lawsuit would amount to a little over $19 million dollars (the Internet Archive’s revenue in 2018 was $20 million)—and the complaint asks for a permanent injunction and destruction of “unlawful copies” of works. That would amount to 1.4 million scanned books, but it wouldn’t touch the Wayback Machine or public domain works. The Internet Archive’s volunteers seem to disagree with the tempered assessment; the Archive Team wiki currently lists the Internet Archive’s status as “endangered,” with a tongue-in-cheek reference link to a Vice article on the lawsuit.

A good signal of institutional preparation for the emergence of autonomous transportation.

"This is the first binding international regulation on so-called 'Level 3' vehicle automation," UNECE said in a statement.

"The new regulation therefore marks an important step towards the wider deployment of automated vehicles to help realise a vision of safer, more sustainable mobility for all."

Countries agree regulations for automated driving

More than 50 countries, including Japan, South Korea and the EU member states, have agreed common regulations for vehicles that can take over some driving functions, including having a mandatory black box, the UN announced Thursday.

The binding rules on Automated Lane Keeping Systems (ALKS) will come into force in January 2021.

The measures were adopted by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations, which brings together 53 countries, not just in Europe but also in Africa and Asia.

At Level 3—Level 5 is fully automated—the driver is not driving when the automated systems are engaged, but can step in at any time and must take over at the system's request.

Another signal of the role of government in enabling the emergence of emission-free transportation.

California considers 1st-in-US electric truck sales rule

California regulators are scheduled to approve new rules on Thursday that would force automakers to sell more electric work trucks and delivery vans, a first-of-its-kind rule aimed at helping the nation's most populous state clean up its worst-in-the-nation air quality.

The rules would require a certain percentage of work truck sales each year to be zero emission vehicles. By the time its fully implemented in 2035, the board estimates at least 20% of the 1.2 million trucks on the road would run on electricity.

"It's the only way we think we can make significant progress on the most stubborn air pollution problems," said Mary Nichols, chair of the California Air Resources Board. "This will have a really transformational impact not just in our state but around the world when people see that it can be done."

Work trucks and delivery vans, while just a small fraction of all vehicles on the road, are some of the largest sources of air pollution in the transportation sector. They travel many more miles than passenger vehicles and often have diesel engines, which are more powerful but produce more pollution than gasoline engines.

The transformation of communication and computation is foreseen in this small signal.

"Progress toward a space-based global quantum network is happening at a fast pace," said Villar. "We hope that our work inspires the next wave of space-based quantum technology missions and that new applications and technologies can benefit from our experimental findings."

Quantum entanglement demonstrated aboard orbiting CubeSat

In a critical step toward creating a global quantum communications network, researchers have generated and detected quantum entanglement onboard a CubeSat nanosatellite weighing less than 2.6 kilograms and orbiting the Earth.

"In the future, our system could be part of a global quantum network transmitting quantum signals to receivers on Earth or on other spacecraft," said lead author Aitor Villar from the Centre for Quantum Technologies at the National University of Singapore. "These signals could be used to implement any type of quantum communications application, from quantum key distribution for extremely secure data transmission to quantum teleportation, where information is transferred by replicating the state of a quantum system from a distance."

In Optica, The Optical Society's (OSA) journal for high impact research, Villar and an international group of researchers demonstrate that their miniaturized source of quantum entanglement can operate successfully in space aboard a low-resource, cost-effective CubeSat that is smaller than a shoebox. CubeSats are a standard type of nanosatellite made of multiples of 10 cm × 10 cm × 10 cm cubic units.

This should be a familiar signal of the power of grid-computing - the ability of masses of networked computers to become a form of supercomputer for application to large and complex problems. Imagine if all government computers were harnessed in this way? 

Folding@home's fight against COVID-19 enlists big tech, gamers, and pro soccer

The crowdsourced supercomputing project Folding@home harnesses the combined processing power of computers whose owners download the project's software and run simulations to model protein motion. In response to COVID-19, individuals, universities and companies have joined the effort. In the video, new simulations already have modeled how the coronavirus' spike protein opens up to bind to the ACE2 receptor—found on the surface of many human cells—and causes infection.

When the crowdsourced supercomputing project Folding@home first announced a shift to coronavirus research and asked for new volunteers to run its software and expand its computing capacity, organizations and citizen scientists from all walks of life heeded the call. Now, about four months later, the number of volunteers has increased a hundredfold.

Based at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, the computing project simulates the movements—or folding—of proteins involved in disease. Researchers leading the effort pivoted quickly to COVID-19 and found a wealth of people eager to help. Before the switch to the novel coronavirus, about 30,000 devices were running Folding@home software. With the prospect of contributing to coronavirus research, new volunteer "folders" have boosted that number to over 4 million to date, with major companies and organizations eager to donate their own computing resources to the cause.

We are all Covid-19-Fatigued - and we want some normalcy to return - however this is a very good signal of future possibilities of university/college education.

Higher Ed: Enough Already

It’s time to end the consensual hallucination between university leadership, parents, and students that in-person classes will resume in the fall. The bold statements from presidents and provosts are symptomatic of the viruses that also plague American leadership and business: exceptionalism that has morphed into arrogance and an idolatry of money that supplants regard for the commonwealth.

These statements strike a similar tone to a CEO in the midst of a disastrous earnings call who demonstrates near-delusional optimism so investors don’t sell shares. The declarations could be interpreted as: “Parents, please send in your deposits. Nothing wrong here, nope, all good!” A combination of self-aggrandizement and elitism has convinced American universities that our services are worth indebting generations of young people, and now risking becoming agents of spread.

There are more people over 65 than under 15 - this is a very good signal for those of us with or looking forward to knee problems. 

Moving the material from the lab to the clinic would take another three years at least, Wiley said. Initial safety tests suggest the material is nontoxic to lab-grown cells. The next step is to design an implant that they can test in sheep.

From the lab, the first cartilage-mimicking gel that's strong enough for knees

The thin, slippery layer of cartilage between the bones in the knee is magical stuff: strong enough to withstand a person's weight, but soft and supple enough to cushion the joint against impact, over decades of repeat use. That combination of soft-yet-strong has been hard to reproduce in the lab. But now, Duke University researchers say they've created an experimental gel that's the first to match the strength and durability of the real thing.

The material may look like a distant cousin of Jell-O—which it is—but it's incredibly strong. It's 60% water, but a single quarter-sized disc can bear the weight of a 100-pound kettlebell without tearing or losing its shape.

Its developers say it's the first hydrogel—a material made of water-absorbing polymers—capable of withstanding tugging and heavy loads as well as human cartilage, without wearing out over time.

A good signal of the future of food (based on the domestication of DNA and related chemistry) for sustaining, augmenting health.

Transgenic rice lowers blood pressure of hypertensive rats

In the future, taking your blood pressure medication could be as simple as eating a spoonful of rice. This "treatment" could also have fewer side effects than current blood pressure medicines. As a first step, researchers reporting in ACS' Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry have made transgenic rice that contains several anti-hypertensive peptides. When given to hypertensive rats, the rice lowered their blood pressure.

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and stroke. A common class of synthetic drugs used to treat hypertension, called ACE inhibitors, target the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), which is involved in blood pressure regulation. However, ACE inhibitors often have unpleasant side effects, such as dry cough, headache, skin rashes and kidney impairment. In contrast, natural ACE inhibitors found in some foods, including milk, eggs, fish, meat and plants, might have fewer side effects. But purifying large amounts of these ACE-inhibitory peptides from foods is expensive and time-consuming. Le Qing Qu and colleagues wanted to genetically modify rice—one of the world's most commonly eaten foods—to produce a mixture of ACE-inhibitory peptides from other food sources.

An interesting signal that offers some hope for moving forward.

“Because it’s safe to use in occupied spaces like hospitals, buses, planes, trains, train stations, schools, restaurants, offices, theaters, gyms, and anywhere that people gather indoors, far-UVC light could be used in combination with other measures, like wearing face masks and washing hands, to limit the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses.”

Far-UVC Light Safely Kills 99.9% of Airborne Coronaviruses

More than 99.9% of seasonal coronaviruses present in airborne droplets were killed when exposed to a particular wavelength of ultraviolet light that is safe to use around humans, a new study at Columbia University Irving Medical Center has found.

“Based on our results, continuous airborne disinfection with far-UVC light at the current regulatory limit could greatly reduce the level of airborne virus in indoor environments occupied by people,” says the study’s lead author David Brenner, PhD, Higgins Professor of Radiation Biophysics at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons and director of the Center for Radiological Research at Columbia University Irving Medical Center.

The research was published on June 24, 2020, in Scientific Reports.

Based on their results, the researchers estimate that continuous exposure to far-UVC light at the current regulatory limit would kill 90% of airborne viruses in about 8 minutes, 95% in about 11 minutes, 99% in about 16 minutes, and 99.9% in about 25 minutes.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Friday Thinking 26 June 2020

Friday Thinking is a humble curation of my foraging in the digital environment. My purpose is to pick interesting pieces, based on my own curiosity (and the curiosity of the many interesting people I follow), about developments in some key domains (work, organization, social-economy, intelligence, domestication of DNA, energy, etc.)  that suggest we are in the midst of a change in the conditions of change - a phase-transition. That tomorrow will be radically unlike yesterday.

Many thanks to those who enjoy this.

In the 21st Century curiosity will SKILL the cat.

To see red - is to know other colors - without the ground of others - there is no figure - differences that make a defference.

'There are times, when I catch myself believing there is something which is separate from something else.'

“Be careful what you ‘insta-google-tweet-face’”
Woody Harrelson - Triple 9



What if all viruses disappeared?

Neuroscience has much to learn from Hume’s philosophy of emotions

How to Disguise Racism and Oligarchy: Use Economics

Ancient yet cosmopolitan


The Conversation thrives during the pandemic

K-pop fans: A diverse, underestimated and powerful force

Self-driving bus services tested out in Tallinn

A Medical Device Maker Threatens iFixit Over Ventilator Repair Project

Creating a new paradigm for understanding the individual effects of diet

Study demonstrates feasibility of hologram technology in liver tumor ablation

An artificial skin made with graphene could revolutionize robotic surgery

Blood test to monitor cancer up to 10 times more sensitive than current methods

Viruses can steal our genetic code to create new human-virus genes

Food-grade wheatgrass variety released for public use

Low-cost solar-to-hydrogen cell achieves breakthrough 17.6% efficiency

If given the choice to magically wave a wand and cause all viruses to disappear, most people would probably jump at that opportunity, especially now. Yet this would be a deadly mistake – deadlier, in fact, than any virus could ever be.

“If all viruses suddenly disappeared, the world would be a wonderful place for about a day and a half, and then we’d all die – that’s the bottom line,” says Tony Goldberg, an epidemiologist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. “All the essential things they do in the world far outweigh the bad things.”

…. Nor do scientists know what percentage of total viruses are problematic toward humans. “If you looked numerically, it would be statistically close to zero,” says Curtis Suttle, an environmental virologist at the University of British Columbia. “Almost all viruses out there are not pathogenic to things we care about.”

viruses kill about 20% of all oceanic microbes, and about 50% of all oceanic bacteria, each day. By culling microbes, viruses ensure that oxygen-producing plankton have enough nutrients to undertake high rates of photosynthesis, ultimately sustaining much of life on Earth. “If we don’t have death, then we have no life, because life is completely dependent on recycling of materials,” Suttle says. “Viruses are so important in terms of recycling.”

“All organisms that can be infected with viruses have an opportunity to suck up viral genes and use them to their advantage,” Goldberg says. “The insertion of new DNA into genomes is a major mode of evolution.” The disappearance of viruses, in other words, would impact the evolutionary potential for all life on the planet – including Homo sapiens.

What if all viruses disappeared?

We are in the midst of a second Humean revolution. In his Treatise of Human Nature (1739-40), the Scottish philosopher David Hume argued that: ‘Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions …’ By ‘passions’, Hume meant what we now call emotions. What gave him such faith in the passions that he could accept reason’s enslavement to them? Hume understood reason to be incapable of producing any action, and the passions to be the source of our motivations. So he insisted that we must attend to the passions if we want to understand how anything gets done. Much recent neuroscience has found that human rationality is weaker than is commonly presumed, and the emotions make it possible to make decisions by granting certain objects salience. Why does this second Humean revolution matter and what, if anything, can the second revolution learn from the first?

In his book The Strange Order of Things (2018), Antonio Damasio, one of the most influential neuroscientists today, defines the affects and emotions as ‘action programmes’, and by this he connects emotions to homeostasis, the process by which we keep ourselves alive. How better to grant the emotions scientific weight than to make them the key to human survival? Neuroscience also supports a growing recognition of the connections between the brain’s perceptual and motor systems; this has led scholars such as Francisco Varela, Evan Thompson, Andy Clark and Shaun Gallagher – ‘enactivists’ who argue that human thought is not brainbound but stems from connections between the mind and body and its environment – to conclude, to varying degrees, that human perceptions are for the purpose of action. Sometimes, however, I just want to look at something, not reduce it to a tool.

we can’t tell ourselves whom to fall in love with – means that our wrestling with the passions is what brings the self into being.

Habits consolidate what control we can have of our passions. Hume gives habit pride of place in his moral accounting, but the key here is to continually assess whether we have the right habits, not to passively accept existing habits. ‘Nothing can be more laudable,’ he writes, ‘than to have a value for ourselves, where we really have qualities that are valuable.’ In other words, he asks for empirical evidence of value, not just for our feeling of it. 

Neuroscience has much to learn from Hume’s philosophy of emotions

Koch, whose mission was to save capitalists like himself from democracy, found the ultimate theoretical tool in the work of the southern economist. The historian writes that Koch preferred Buchanan to Milton Friedman and his “Chicago boys” because, she says, quoting a libertarian insider, they wanted “to make government work more efficiently when the true libertarian should be tearing it out at the root.”

With Koch’s money and enthusiasm, Buchanan’s academic school evolved into something much bigger. By the 1990s, Koch realized that Buchanan’s ideas — transmitted through stealth and deliberate deception, as MacLean amply documents — could help take government down through incremental assaults that the media would hardly notice. The tycoon knew that the project was extremely radical, even a “revolution” in governance, but he talked like a conservative to make his plans sound more palatable.

MacLean details how partnered with Koch, Buchanan’s outpost at George Mason University was able to connect libertarian economists with right-wing political actors and supporters of corporations like Shell Oil, Exxon, Ford, IBM, Chase Manhattan Bank, and General Motors. Together they could push economic ideas to the public through media, promote new curricula for economics education, and court politicians in nearby Washington, D.C.

At the 1997 fiftieth anniversary of the Mont Pelerin Society, MacLean recounts that Buchanan and his associate Henry Manne, a founding theorist of libertarian economic approaches to law, focused on such affronts to capitalists as environmentalism and public health and welfare, expressing eagerness to dismantle Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare as well as kill public education because it tended to foster community values. Feminism had to go, too: the scholars considered it a socialist project.

Buchanan’s ideas began to have huge impact, especially in America and in Britain. In his home country, the economist was deeply involved in efforts to cut taxes on the wealthy in 1970s and 1980s and he advised proponents of Reagan Revolution in their quest to unleash markets and posit government as the “problem” rather than the “solution.” The Koch-funded Virginia school coached scholars, lawyers, politicians, and business people to apply stark right-wing perspectives on everything from deficits to taxes to school privatization. In Britain, Buchanan’s work helped to inspire the public sector reforms of Margaret Thatcher and her political progeny.

when the Kochs’ control of the GOP kicked into high gear after the financial crisis of 2007-08, many were so stunned by the “shock-and-awe” tactics of shutting down government, destroying labor unions, and rolling back services that meet citizens’ basic necessities that few realized that many leading the charge had been trained in economics at Virginia institutions, especially George Mason University. Wasn’t it just a new, particularly vicious wave of partisan politics?

How to Disguise Racism and Oligarchy: Use Economics

The reason for these bursts in cultural activity is not to do with changes in our ancestors’ individual brains but in their collective brains – changes resulting from human demography and networks. Humans have a unique form of culture that is cumulative, and evolves in diversity and complexity over time. We achieve our great technological mastery not by individually inventing every tool, behaviour or cultural practice for ourselves, but by learning from the collective knowledge held by our social group, practising, remembering the details and passing this knowledge to others and down the generations. Over time, these practices evolve changes, improvements and additions, enabling us to benefit from a growing body of collective cultural knowledge and from practices that have been filtered by an evolutionary selection process over generations.

The practices and technologies that accumulate in our cultural toolbox have themselves emerged through countless iterations as they’re copied over the generations. Rather than survival of the fittest, it’s helpful to think of evolution as the failure of the less fit. Among the diversity of processes and techniques, some will fail, becoming rare or eliminated over generations. The rest will continue to be copied, and be socially available. Environmental change can trigger a burst of cultural variation, just as in biological evolution.

the most important decider seems to be group size: usually, the bigger the group, the bigger the diversity of cultural practices. Those that are particularly successful at increasing a society’s population – such as practices that improve nutrition, fertility or reduce infant mortality – will, of course, produce more carriers of that practice, so spread faster and further. This is how technologies fundamental to survival, such as fire-making, rapidly became universal. Practices less crucial to survival, such as artworks, require a large enough group to support practitioners with food and other resources. But, once group size increases enough, cultural innovation accelerates, because the group then holds a diversity of cultural practices that can be combined to produce further practices, and so on exponentially. In other words, a tipping point is reached whereby larger, connected populations experience cultural explosions.

Bigger, more culturally diverse populations can call upon a greater resource of potential solutions as the physical or social environment changes. They have more opportunities to adapt their cultural practices, so they are more resilient. So these societies could survive longer, giving their technologies and cultural practices longer to evolve. Evolution has no direction, but complexity takes time to build up through combinations of different cultural ideas and practices.

Similarly, the better a group’s connections to other groups – and the better the connections are within a group – the more chance for individuals to acquire new cultural practices and technologies. And the reverse is also true – small, isolated communities can experience a cultural evolution towards simpler, less diverse technologies, effectively losing culture.

Ancient yet cosmopolitan

Maybe the future of news media is not as dire as is often portrayed - maybe the future needs new business models for …. well everything.

The Conversation thrives during the pandemic

AT A TIME when journalism is being hit hard globally and some are predicting the end of independent journalism in some parts of the world, it’s time to take a look at what may survive. The Conversation—a nonprofit that brings together scholars and journalists to bring academic writing to a general audience—may tell us a bit about where nonprofit media is headed. 

The Conversation—which was founded by Andrew Jaspan and Jack Rejtman in Australia in 2011 with $6 million in funding from four universities, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, and the State of Victoria—is thriving amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Traffic is soaring, while its funding model insulates it from the collapse in advertising and subscription revenue hitting other outlets. Its stories are available for republication, for free, under a Creative Commons license—a model that seems particularly beneficial for other news outlets at this moment. “If there were ever a time for expertise and smart journalism, now is it, and we are doing it at a volume no one else is doing and there is no paywall. It is free to use and free to publish,” says Stephen Khan, the editor of The Conversation’s UK edition. 

Today, The Conversation has 10 national and regional editions and more than 150 full-time staff, many of them former journalists with decades of experience at outlets like The Scotsman, Financial Mail, Huffington Post, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, and Climate Change Weekly. The Conversation’s editors specialize in wrangling academics and editing their dense writing so that it can be understood by general readers, sometimes spending as much as 10 hours on one article. Since the pandemic started, submissions from contributors have tripled in some places. Global pageviews for April 2020, including republications, stand at 81 million, up from 40.1 million in April 2019. Google Analytics records that onsite visits have risen to 38.1 million in April 2020 from 15.9 million in April 2019.  

This is a most fascinating signal of the evolution of online activism - one that melds culture and music toward political and social values.

K-pop fans: A diverse, underestimated and powerful force

How the largely apolitical scene came to attract fans who are very much political

Who are K-pop fans? It’s a question that not a lot of people bothered to ask until lately.

But that seems to be changing in the wake of Black Lives Matter protests across the world: K pop fans flooded the Dallas Police Department’s iWatch Dallas app with fancams and took over the hashtag #WhiteLivesMatter on Twitter with anti-racist messages. BTS fans raised $1 million in just over a day for organizations that help black people.

American actor and writer Jordan Peele said he “hearts #kpopstans” in a tweet, professional wrestler John Cena praised BTS and its fans, and the media covered the news extensively.

According to Michelle Cho, a media scholar at the University of Toronto, K-pop fans are “diverse, socially progressive, social media-savvy.”

“I’ve attended KCON a few times now and when you look at who attends K-pop fan conventions, who posts reaction videos, who makes themselves visible in the fandom, you see, at least in North America, that these are predominantly people of color,” she said.

While K-pop is not seen as progressive at home, where it is part of mainstream commercial culture, Cho says that elsewhere -- in places like North America and Latin America -- it remains subcultural.

The emergence of self-driving vehicles is as par for disruptive technology - taking longer than expected. But progress is ongoing.

Self-driving bus services tested out in Tallinn

Two types of self-driving bus are being tested out in Estonia this week as part of initiatives that could revolutionise public transport in Europe.

One of the services in tech-savvy Estonia, which is often used as a testing ground for innovation, offers free rides around a park in the capital Tallinn.

The other is part of an EU-funded project and is ferrying people around Ulemiste City, a sprawling business campus near the city's main airport.

Dubbed "e-stonia", the EU member of 1.3 million people is known for being a trailblazer in technology, with Estonians having already helped pioneer the likes of Skype, Transferwise, e-voting and delivery robots.

This is a good signal of emerging concern that the world needs a new economic paradigm - including a re-imagining of our patent and copyright regulations and laws.

A Medical Device Maker Threatens iFixit Over Ventilator Repair Project

iFixit has built a comprehensive online database of repair manuals for ventilators and medical equipment to help fight the coronavirus pandemic. Last week it received a letter claiming copyright infringement.

A popular website with a comprehensive database of repair manuals for ventilators and other medical devices has received a letter from a medical equipment company saying that its copyrights are being infringed.

Kyle Wiens, CEO of the repair website iFixit—which posts guides on how to repair anything from sewing machines to video game consoles—shared the letter on Twitter Thursday, sent to him by counsel for Steris Corporation, which makes sterilization and other medical equipment.

“It has come to my attention that you have been reproducing certain installation and maintenance manuals relating to our products, documentation which is protected by copyright law,” the letter said. The letter then went on to tell Wiens to remove all Steris copyrighted material from the iFixit website within 10 days of the letter.

As Motherboard reported in March, major manufacturers of medical devices have long made it difficult for their devices to be repaired through third party repair professionals. Manufacturers have often lobbied against right to repair legislation and many medical devices are controlled by artificial “software locks” that allow only those with authorization to make modifications.

This is a great signal for progress in understanding individual health - plus debunking the myth that a single diet can bring health to everyone.

"Based on the metabolic response to the four different diets, we were able to create a model that can predict the healthiness of a person's diet," Professor Holmes said. "We tested the model in two different populations and compared the chemical profiles to dietary records. This model will provide a framework for developing precision nutrition programs aimed at healthy weight loss or maintenance."

"This is a real paradigm shift in personalized nutrition research—for the first time we have tools that can rapidly evaluate the diet-microbiome interactions that affect individual responses to complex diet patterns in the real wood."

Creating a new paradigm for understanding the individual effects of diet

Researchers at the Australian National Phenome Centre at Murdoch University and partners at Imperial College London have made a major breakthrough in understanding how individuals can have different reactions to the same diets.

For decades, nutritionists and scientists have been debating whether weight loss is down to sheer will power and healthiness of diet, or whether maintaining a healthy weight is down to your genes.

In an article released today in the Nature Food journal, researchers show that people react differently to being fed exactly the same diet over a four-day period and that their urine contains different patterns of chemicals suggesting that we each have a unique response to diet.

A great signal of the emerging power of augmented reality to assist in medical and potentially many other domains.

Study demonstrates feasibility of hologram technology in liver tumor ablation

Data from one of the first clinical uses of augmented reality guidance with electromagnetically tracked tools shows that the technology may help doctors quickly, safely, and accurately deliver targeted liver cancer treatments, according to a research abstract presented during a virtual session of the Society of Interventional Radiology's 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting on June 14. The technology provides a three-dimensional holographic view inside a patient's body, allowing interventional radiologists to accurately burn away tumors while navigating to avoid organs and other critical structures.

"Converting traditional two-dimensional imaging into three-dimensional holograms which we can then utilize for guidance using augmented reality helps us to better view a patient's internal structures as we navigate our way to the point of treatment," said Gaurav Gadodia, MD, lead author of the study and radiology resident at Cleveland Clinic. "While conventional imaging like ultrasound and CT is safe, effective, and remains the gold-standard of care, augmented reality potentially improves the visualization of the tumor and surrounding structures, increasing the speed of localization and improving the treating-physician's confidence."

Another strong signal of the transformation of medical technologies involving robotics, AI, nano and other approaches.

An artificial skin made with graphene could revolutionize robotic surgery

Computer and Robot Assisted Surgery is an area receiving broad attention worldwide because of its strong potential to advance new levels of healthcare. In Europe, the robotics and cognitive science communities have been independently pursuing research in this field, making significant, but fragmented contributions. Furthermore, strong surgical instrument manufacturers are now present in Europe.

Graphene's large surface area, high electrical conductivity, unique optical properties and high thermal conductivity make it ideal for sensors. Ultra-sensitive graphene-based sensors can also be smaller, lighter and less expensive than traditional sensors.

a graphene-enabled, force-sensitive film that is transparent and can be affixed to curved plastic. Making force-touch interfaces flexible will allow a new design paradigm for electronic devices. This technology can be used as an electronic skin, which would allow any surface to become responsive to its environment, for applications including robotic surgery.

For example, a surgeon may be able to directly translate his or her hand and finger movement into a robotic surgery tool, by wearing a glove that contains the sensor film. This would allow the robotic surgery tool to have the dexterity of a surgeon with years of experience and the extreme-precision of a robotic arm with finely tuned motors."

This is a promising signal of better, faster testing for cancer and perhaps many more diseases.

"While this may be several years away from clinical use, our research shows what is possible when we push such approaches to an extreme. It demonstrates that the levels of sensitivity we've come to accept in recent years in relation to testing for ctDNA can be dramatically improved. At present this is still experimental, but technology is advancing rapidly, and in the near future tests with such sensitivity could make a real difference to patients."

This new technique looks for hundreds and sometimes thousands of mutations in each blood sample, routinely achieving a sensitivity of one mutant molecule per 100,000, and under optimal conditions can reach a level measured in parts per million.

Blood test to monitor cancer up to 10 times more sensitive than current methods

A new method of analyzing cancer patients' blood for evidence of the disease could be up to ten times more sensitive than previous methods according to new research led by the University of Cambridge.

In the coming years, this method and others based on this approach could lead to tests that more accurately determine if a patient is likely to relapse after treatment and could pave the way for the development of pinprick home blood tests to monitor patients. The research, funded by Cancer Research UK, is published in the journal Science Translational Medicine

The technique uses personalized genetic testing of a patient's tumor to search blood samples for hundreds of different genetic mutations in circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA); DNA released by cancer cells into the bloodstream.

Combined with new methods to analyze this data to remove background noise and enhance the signal, the team was able to reach a level of sensitivity that in some cases could find one mutant DNA molecule among a million pieces of DNA—approximately ten times more sensitive than previous methods.

This is a good signal of how the human effort to domesticate DNA is really one dimension of achieving what viruses may be capable of.

Viruses can steal our genetic code to create new human-virus genes

Like a scene out of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," a virus infects a host and converts it into a factory for making more copies of itself. Now researchers have shown that a large group of viruses, including the influenza viruses and other serious pathogens, steal genetic signals from their hosts to expand their own genomes.

This finding is presented in a study published online today and in print June 25 in Cell. The cross-disciplinary collaborative study was led by researchers at the Global Health and Emerging Pathogens Institute at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York, and at the MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research in the UK.

The cross-disciplinary team of virologists looked at a large group of viruses known as segmented negative-strand RNA viruses (sNSVs), which include widespread and serious pathogens of humans, domesticated animals and plants, including the influenza viruses and Lassa virus (the cause of Lassa fever). They showed that, by stealing genetic signals from their hosts, viruses can produce a wealth of previously undetected proteins. The researchers labeled them as UFO (Upstream Frankenstein Open reading frame) proteins, as they are encoded by stitching together the host and viral sequences. There was no knowledge of the existence of these kinds of proteins prior to this study.

These UFO proteins can alter the course of viral infection and could be exploited for vaccine purposes.

A good signal of a new health-food product that should be appearing on the markets and in our food soon. Maybe even growing it as a more natural lawn?

Food-grade wheatgrass variety released for public use

Wheatgrass is packed with beneficial nutrients, which makes the crop a popular superfood. And now, more farmers will have access to growing this beneficial crop.

"The Land Institute has been breeding Intermediate wheatgrass since 2002," explains James Anderson, a professor at the University of Minnesota. "Developed using germplasm provided by The Land Institute in 2011, this variety of wheatgrass is the first to be available for public use."

"Because wheatgrass is a perennial, it's known to be a soil builder," said Anderson. "It provides soil cover throughout the year."

Wheatgrass also has deep, dense roots that capture nutrients before it gets into groundwater. This helps to protect groundwater-based water systems.

Other benefits of this new wheatgrass variety compared to other crops like corn and soybeans, are:

Less soil loss from the field;

Fewer chemicals and fertilizers entering the groundwater system; and

Improved carbon storage.

The harvested wheatgrass goes well with wheat-based products. It can be used as a replacement for wheat, but it is best used with it. By using both wheat and wheatgrass as ingredients, the product can maintain its baking and functional properties while offering new flavors.

The rate of progress in renewable energy continues to accelerate on many fronts - hydrogen energy has been on the near-horizon for over a decade - maybe another decade till it really arrives. This is a good signal of ongoing progress.

Low-cost solar-to-hydrogen cell achieves breakthrough 17.6% efficiency

Hydrogen's impressive energy density offers some compelling advantages that could see it make a huge difference in the electric aviation and eVTOL sectors, as well as in renewable energy, where it's a lightweight and transportable, if not particularly efficient, way to store clean energy that's not necessarily generated where or when you need it. It's also being pushed as a means of exporting green energy, and Japan and Korea in particular are investing heavily in the idea of a hydrogen energy economy powering everything from vehicles to homes and industry.

For this to come about in a globally positive way, it's imperative that clean, green hydrogen production becomes cheaper, because right now, the easiest and cheapest ways to get yourself a tank full of hydrogen are things like steam reforming, which produces up to 12 times as much carbon dioxide as it does hydrogen by weight.

Green, renewable production methods are thus hot topics for researchers and industry, and a new breakthrough from scientists at the Australian National University (ANU) could make a significant contribution.

It's a photoelectrochemical (PEC) solar-to-hydrogen (STH) cell – a cell that takes in solar energy and water, and directly outputs hydrogen instead of powering an external electrolysis system. In this case, it puts a cutting-edge perovskite photovoltaic cell in tandem with a photoelectrode, and it works better than any similar devices that have been built, using relatively inexpensive semiconductors.