Thursday, April 7, 2016

Friday Thinking 8 April 2016

Hello – Friday Thinking is curated on the basis of my own curiosity and offered in the spirit of sharing. Many thanks to those who enjoy this. 

In the 21st Century curiosity will SKILL the cat.

At Medium, the experiment in self-organisation continues. Medium has abandoned Holacracy, but it hasn’t abandoned its pursuit of a horizontal management system. According to Doyle, Medium’s problem with Holacracy was functional rather than philosophical. ‘Many of the principles we value most about Holacracy are already embedded in the organisation through how we approach our work, collaborate, and instigate change’, he claims. Medium is currently moving forward by articulating these principles and assembling a team ‘to translate [them] into a functional system’. The company remains committed to ‘pioneering new ways to operate’. Doyle puts this in perspective: ‘The management model that most companies employ was developed over a century ago. Information flows to quickly — and skills are too diverse — for it to remain effective in the future’. Realistically, any company concerned to be around in ten years time should be exploring new organizational operating systems. Technology and culture are evolving far too rapidly for companies to bank on maintaining their position without continuous self-reinvention.

This is the crux of the matter. Digital technologies make it absurdly easy to share information and coordinate collaborative work. While they do not drive (or ‘want’) openness and collaboration, these technologies makes self-organisation so simple, it is foolish not to explore it.

A 2015 Deloitte survey of more than 7000 companies revealed that the majority of companies are moving away from top down, command and control structures towards flexible structures based in teams. Only 38% of companies surveyed retain a traditional structure. Of these companies, 92% cite organisational redesign as ‘the top priority’.
Medium’s Experiment with Holacracy Failed. Long Live the Experiment!

Economic rents are obtained when someone is able to extract wealth or excessive returns despite no additional contribution to productivity, or what could be called socially useless activity.

the particular features of email activity that were most predictive of low satisfaction. For work — life balance, it was the fraction of emails sent out of working hours: more is worse. For managerial satisfaction, it was manager response time: slower is worse. And for perceptions of company-wide collaboration, it was the size of the manager’s email network: smaller is worse….

...Insights like these are of immediate interest to both employees and managers. In particular, because predictions based on email sending behavior can be made in real time, HR can obtain more timely feedback than surveys allow. Moreover, modern statistical modeling approaches such as ours can help managers in complex situations where many different factors could be at play — e.g., by showing which of many plausible explanations are supported by the evidence, and by cautioning against “one size fits all” solutions. Finally, employees could also benefit from tools that highlight help them quantify their work activity in the same way that personal fitness trackers help them quantify physical activity.
The Organizational Spectroscope

Problem-based, cooperative work is best expressed organizationally through emergent, responsive communities. The mainstream business approach is still predictive grouping and an ex ante organizational structure. It is typically a process organization designed and controlled by the expert/manager. This is based on the presuppositions that we know (1) all the linkages that are needed beforehand, and (2) what the right sequential order in acting is. Neither of these beliefs is correct any more.

The variables of creative work have increased beyond systemic models of process design.

The Internet is the best architecture for the open and loosely coupled work systems of the future. When it comes to work the Internet hasn’t really started yet
Esko Kilpi - Problem-based work - The lessons from Google

The traditional business model involved payment for a product or service upfront, regardless of whether or not it was ever used. Customers are less and less willing to tolerate this form of payment and are increasingly expecting to pay for actual usage

As customers gain more power, they won’t be satisfied with paying for usage. They’ll want to pay based on value created, rather than simple usage. What if I use a product or service and create very little value from that usage – should I really have to pay for simple usage? We are already seeing value based billing emerge in certain parts of the professional services world.

This is obviously a far more challenging expectation because it requires the ability to measure and monitor value creation for the customer, rather than simple usage. But technology is rapidly evolving to give us a much richer view of the context of usage and the impact created by that usage. And, if we can quantify the value created for the customer from usage of the product, that customer would be much more willing to pay for value received.
John Hagel - The Big Shift in Business Models

“Many economists, for better or worse, have come to see themselves as doing ‘positive research,’ in a philosophical sense. What isn’t always explicit is that the so-called positive research is nestled in a set of normative axiomatic assumptions about how the world works. One such assumption is that the basic rules of capitalism and democracy are immutable. I’ve learned that those who seek debate over the validity of  these assumptions carry the burden of establishing conclusively that the assumptions are violated in practice. If we’re going to make progress on the economic theory of the firm as it applies to corporate political activity, we need more economics-based empirical research on the harms, if any, of corporate lobbying.”
Is There a Crisis in the Economic Theory of the Firm? Participants at Harvard Business School Conference Agree: Firms Try to Change the Rules of the Game

This is a must read by Duncan Watts - the future of social science applied to organizations - although it doesn’t talk about sociometric badges and apps - it expands the methods of data gathering disrupting the primacy of reliance on traditional surveys.
The Organizational Spectroscope
Using digital data to shed light on team satisfaction and other questions about large organizations
For several decades sociologists have speculated that the performance of firms and other organizations depends as much on the networks of information flow between employees as on the formal structure of the organization.

This argument makes intuitive sense, but until recently it has been extremely difficult to test using data. Historically, employee data has been collected mostly in the form of surveys, which are still the gold standard for assessing opinions, but reveal little about behavior such as who talks to whom. Surveys are also expensive and time consuming to conduct, hence they are unsuitable for frequent and comprehensive snapshots of the state of a large organization.

Thanks to the growing ubiquity of productivity software, however, this picture is beginning to change. Email logs, web-based calendars, and co-authorship of online documents all generate digital traces that can be used as proxies for social networks and their associated information flows. In turn, these network and activity data have the potential to shed new light on old questions about the performance of teams, divisions, and even entire organizations.

Recognizing this opportunity, my colleagues Jake Hofman, Christian Perez, Justin Rao, Amit Sharma, Hanna Wallach, and I — in collaboration with Office 365 and Microsoft’s HR Business Insights unit — have embarked on a long-term project: the Organizational Spectroscope.

The Organizational Spectroscope combines digital communication data, such as email metadata (e.g., time stamps and headers), with more traditional data sources, such as job titles, office locations, and employee satisfaction surveys. These data sources are combined only in ways that respect privacy and ethical considerations. We then use a variety of statistical modeling techniques to predict and explain outcomes of interest to employees, HR, and management.

Here’s a must view 56 min video by the always thought provoking and entertaining Kevin Kelly - for anyone interested in the future.
Kevin Kelly | 12 Inevitable Tech Forces That Will Shape Our Future | SXSW Interactive 2016
In a few years we’ll have artificial intelligence that can accomplish professional human tasks. There is nothing we can do to stop this. In addition our lives will be totally 100% tracked by ourselves and others. This too is inevitable. Indeed much of what will happen in the next 30 years is inevitable, driven by technological trends which are already in motion, and are impossible to halt without halting civilization. Some of what is coming may seem scary, like ubiquitous tracking, or robots replacing humans. Others innovations seem more desirable, such as an on-demand economy, and virtual reality in the home. And some that is coming like network crime and anonymous hacking will be society’s new scourges. Yet both the desirable good and the undesirable bad of these emerging technologies all obey the same formation principles.

At the risk of being too Kevin Kelly focused - this is another must view 58 min video given by Kevin at the Singularity University - for anyone who is serious about thinking about the future - or more precisely serious in how to think in better ways about the future. - Futurism is essential to the human condition.
Kevin Kelly - Tricks For Predicting The Future

This is a MUST READ by Cory Doctorow (Canadian Internet Activist, journalist and sci-fi writer) - The Dark Side of the Internet-of-Things looms in the discussion - especially if we don’t get business models and corresponding digital rights appropriately developed and implemented.
The last-millennium Digital Millennium Copyright Act has managed to stay on the books because we still think of it as a way to pull off small-potatoes ripoffs like forcing you to re-buy the movies you own on DVD if you want to watch them on your phone. In reality, the DMCA's anti-circumvention rules are a system that makes corporations into the only "people" who get to own property -- everything you "buy" is actually a license, dictated by terms of service that you've never read and certainly never agreed to, which give companies the right to reach into your home and do anything they want with the devices you've paid for.
Google reaches into customers' homes and bricks their gadgets
Revolv is a home automation hub that Google acquired 17 months ago; yesterday, Google announced that as of May 15, it will killswitch all the Revolvs in the field and render them inert. Section 1201 of the DMCA -- the law that prohibits breaking DRM -- means that anyone who tries to make a third-party OS for Revolv faces felony charges and up to 5 years in prison.

Revolv is apparently being killswitched because it doesn't fit in with Google's plan for Nest, the other home automation system it acquired. Google's FAQ tells its customers that this is OK because their warranties have expired, and besides, this is all covered in the fine-print they clicked through, or at least saw, or at least saw a link to.

This isn't the earthquake, it's the tremor. From your car to your lightbulbs to your pacemaker, the gadgets you own are increasingly based on networked software. Remove the software and they become inert e-waste. There is no such thing as a hardware company: the razor-thin margins on hardware mean that every funded hardware company is a service and data company, and almost without exception, these companies use DRM to acquire the legal right to sue competitors who provide rival services or who give customers access to their own data on "their" data.

We are entering the era where dishwashers can reject third-party dishes, and their manufacturers can sue anyone who makes "third-party dishes" out of existence. Selling you a toaster has never afforded companies the power to dictate your bread choices, nor has making a record player given a company the right to control which records get made.

And here’s another IoT shadow. Scarier than the one above. It is vital that we begin to think about digital infrastructure as public goods - well regulated with better provisions for transparency regarding user controls and interoperability in a device ecology.
Oculus Rift terms and conditions allow Facebook to monitor users’ movements and use it for advertising
The Facebook-owned company’s VR headset installs a piece of software that keeps watch of when people are using it — and can send that off to other firms

Whenever we think of the future we have to consider how we understand time - this is a wonderful 32 min video that explores exactly how we perceive time. Well worth the view. If anyone is interested in the possibility of ‘bullet time’ (e.g. remember the Matrix?), he explores the phenomena of slowed down time. This is a fascinating account.
What is time to the brain ? Perception of time delation
Setting time aright - Investigating the nature of time

1. The Flash-lag Effect
2. Time perception recalibrates
2.5 illusory reversal of cause and effect
3. Can subjective time run in slow motion?

We live in the past (perception of present can depend on what happens next), Temporal order recalibrates (can reverse perception of causation), Time is not one thing, Subjective duration indexes neural energy.

Here’s a MUST SEE 20 min TED Talk - about the world beyond the one our human senses construct - and how technology has and will continue to give us access to a much larger universe from which to construct new realities for ourselves - we will ave vast choice of peripheral sense inputs. We will soon be able to feel crowds and events in real time - whether we are present or not.
David Eagleman: Can we create new senses for humans?
Published on 18 Mar 2015
As humans, we can perceive less than a ten-trillionth of all light waves. “Our experience of reality,” says neuroscientist David Eagleman, “is constrained by our biology.” He wants to change that. His research into our brain processes has led him to create new interfaces to take in previously unseen information about the world around us.

And considering senses - with better feedback we can come to sense how our own brain’s unconscious processes are doing with inexpensive technology. This is an interesting account of some of this popular quantified self - wearable technology.
“Anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, autism…” Le ticks off a litany of neurological disorders, then continues: “Most of these conditions are developmental in nature. The markers probably exist decades before the symptoms manifest themselves. We need more early intervention and early monitoring.” According to Le, the way we do neuroscience nowadays is fundamentally flawed. “For the most part, we only study brains when something goes wrong.” People with supposedly healthy brains almost never have their brains scanned—in part because, until this decade, obtaining readable results from EEG has been time- and labor-intensive.

The rise in popularity of wearable health technology, Le says, has “opened up the opportunity for us to monitor, track and learn about the brain and to start to build better models of the brain across a broad spectrum of users,” not just people who are ill. In other words, if enough people start using the Insight (Emotiv’s new EEG rig) and let Emotiv collect data about their minds, maybe that amassed data could allow neuroscientists to finally know what a healthy brain looks like when it deals with various everyday stimuli. That information could allow neuroscientists to better identify “early biomarkers for a variety of neurological disorders,” says Le.

New insights and developments in understanding our brain and links to disease continue to emerge - this is a fascinating article discussing the emergence of a deeper understanding of the brain’s support cell processes.
The Rogue Immune Cells That Wreck the Brain
Beth Stevens thinks she has solved a mystery behind brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s and schizophrenia.
Microglia are part of a larger class of cells—known collectively as glia—that carry out an array of functions in the brain, guiding its development and serving as its immune system by gobbling up diseased or damaged cells and carting away debris. Along with her frequent collaborator and mentor, Stanford biologist Ben Barres, and a growing cadre of other scientists, Stevens, 45, is showing that these long-overlooked cells are more than mere support workers for the neurons they surround. Her work has raised a provocative suggestion: that brain disorders could somehow be triggered by our own bodily defenses gone bad.

In one groundbreaking paper, in January, Stevens and researchers at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard showed that aberrant microglia might play a role in schizophrenia—causing or at least contributing to the massive cell loss that can leave people with devastating cognitive defects. Crucially, the researchers pointed to a chemical pathway that might be targeted to slow or stop the disease. Last week, Stevens and other researchers published a similar finding for Alzheimer’s.

This might be just the beginning. Stevens is also exploring the connection between these tiny structures and other neurological diseases—work that earned her a $625,000 MacArthur Foundation “genius” grant last September.

And another fascinating development with huge implications related to our ongoing domestication of DNA and the process of transforming the expression of our DNA heritage - while we live - thus deepening the meaning of personal transformation.
Biological mechanism passes on long-term epigenetic 'memories'
Researchers discover the on/off button for inheriting responses to environmental changes
According to epigenetics -- the study of inheritable changes in gene expression not directly coded in our DNA -- our life experiences may be passed on to our children and our children's children. Studies on survivors of traumatic events have suggested that exposure to stress may indeed have lasting effects on subsequent generations. But how exactly are these genetic "memories" passed on?

This is an excellent account of one company’s experiment with ‘Holocracy’ - which is one attempt to create an organizational architecture that is not hierarchical - however, I would suggest that it remain quite bureaucratic. That said this should be a must read for anyone interested in developing better form of organization.
Medium’s Experiment with Holacracy Failed. Long Live the Experiment!
The organisations of the future are being invented today. They are densely connected, human-centered, agile, and intrinsically innovative. The question for business leaders is not if they should shift to a more flexible, self-organizing structure, but how.
In March 2016, Medium abandoned Holacracy. The carnivores of the business press, who had been circling the blog publishing company since it started using the management ‘operating system’ three years earlier, closed in for the kill. ‘Well, waddaya know?’ Paul Carr gloated in the tech journal Pando. ‘Medium drops Holacracy, because Holacracy is “time consuming and divisive”’. This misrepresents Andy Doyle’s claim in his announcement of Medium’s decision. Doyle’s actual point is that Holacracy was problematic ‘for larger initiatives, which require coordination across functions’. But why let the truth get in the way of a trouncing?

...When Medium abandoned Holacracy, the status quo rejoiced. The disruptor is dead. Order is restored. We can all sleep more soundly knowing that the organisational forms of the 19th century are alive and well, unchallenged by the pretensions of the ‘bossless organisation’.

Not so fast. Medium is not the only company experimenting with Holacracy. The operating system is currently used by about 70 companies around the world, including the online shoe retailer Zappos. Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh shifted the entire company to Holacracy in 2013. Hsieh’s view is that command and control structures are death. Self-organizing structures are not only more resilient, they become more innovative as they expand. Many of Hsieh’s employees failed to see the upside. Confronted with protracted resistance, Hsieh told employees to accept Holacracy or quit. In the end, 260 employees (roughly 18% of the company) accepted Hsieh’s redundancy offer and left. The majority of media coverage failed to note that Zappos’ standard annual turnover is around 20%. Plus it was a superb payout. Hsieh half jokingly suggests that, given the size of the redundancy package, ‘the headline really should be “82% of employees chose NOT to take the offer”’.

Based on the Business Model Canvas - this is a very interesting site and idea to help bureaucracies flesh out new initiatives. This is well worth the view for anyone struggling to develop models for innovating in a bureaucracy.
The GovLab Academy Canvas
Use the GovLab Public Problem Solving Canvas to create and develop your public interest project. These twenty questions are designed to help you refine your understanding of the problem and those whom it affects; express your Big Idea; and turn that idea into an actionable strategy in the real world to the end of improving people's lives.

The need for creative, originality and innovation - also depends on individuals - this is an entertaining 15 min TED Talk.
Adam Grant: The surprising habits of original thinkers
How do creative people come up with great ideas? Organizational psychologist Adam Grant studies "originals": thinkers who dream up new ideas and take action to put them into the world. In this talk, learn three unexpected habits of originals — including embracing failure. "The greatest originals are the ones who fail the most, because they're the ones who try the most," Grant says. "You need a lot of bad ideas in order to get a few good ones."

After years of studying the dynamics of success and productivity in the workplace, Adam Grant discovered a powerful and often overlooked motivator: helping others.

And in the realm of self-driving and drones - here’s one glimpse of the future of the Navy. There is a very short video as well.
DARPA starts speed testing its submarine-hunting drone ship
Open-water tests will follow this summer.
DARPA's 130-foot unmanned ship is almost ready to take on rogue submarines. Its christening isn't slated to take place until April 7th, but it's now in the water near its construction site in Portland, Oregon -- the agency has even begun conducting speed tests. The drone called ACTUV or Anti-Submarine Warfare Continuous Trail Unmanned Vessel has successfully reached the top speed its creators were expecting (31mph) during the preliminary tests. It was, however, designed to do much more than traverse the oceans at 31mph. ACTUV has the capability to use long/short-range sonar to detect foreign submarines, even stealthy diesel electric ones that don't make noise.

It can then follow those submarines around in an effort to spook out their operators and drive them out. If needed, the vessel can also deliver supplies and be sent on reconnaissance missions with absolutely no human on board. Before it can do the tasks it was made for, though, it still has to undergo open-water testing in California sometime this summer.

This is an amazing new type of sensor.
Tiny gravity sensor could detect drug tunnels, mineral deposits
A new device the size of a postage stamp can detect 1-part-per-billion changes in Earth’s gravitational field—equivalent to what the gizmo would experience if it were lifted a mere 3 millimeters. The technology may become so cheap and portable it could one day be mounted on drones to spot everything from hidden drug tunnels to valuable mineral deposits.

Hammond and his colleagues set out to build a smaller, cheaper spring-based gravimeter. The heart of their device is a postage stamp–sized bit of silicon; it’s carved so that in its center there’s a 25-milligram bit of material left suspended by three stiff, fiber-like structures that are each about 5 micrometers across (less than one-third the diameter of the finest human hair). Together, these act as the spring. As the gravitational field surrounding the device changes—such as it would if it passed over a large underground cavern or a dense deposit of minerals, because of the sudden change of density in the underlying rocks—the tiny bit of silicon bobs up and down in response to that change,  Hammond says. Those movements are tracked by monitoring the silicon’s shadow as it moves across a light detector.

The team’s gravimeter is so sensitive it can track the up-and-down motions of Earth’s surface caused by the changing positions of the sun and moon, the researchers report online today in Nature. (These so-called “Earth tides” occur and are measurable, but they are much smaller than those seen in the seas because rock is stiffer than water.)

The future is not a linear flourishing of the past - but more often is a proliferation into emergent ecologies of diverse possibles and plausibles.
While you’re charging your EV, BMW is preparing for a hydrogen future
Don’t let $2 gas fool you, the alternative fuel revolution is well under way. A vast majority of car makers offer at least one hybrid model, and the number of electric cars on the market grows annually. However, hydrogen technology is still lagging behind because it’s plagued by an array of setbacks, including an underdeveloped infrastructure.

Digital Trends sat down with Merten Jung, BMW’s head of fuel cell development, to get insight on where the technology stands today, what will change in the coming years, and when we can expect to see a hydrogen-powered car in a BMW showroom.

This is an interesting Bloomberg article reflecting on the current state of renewable energy investments. The graphs and gifs are must views - they say it all.
Government subsidies have helped wind and solar get a foothold in global power markets, but economies of scale are the true driver of falling prices: The cost of solar power has fallen to 1/150th of its level in the 1970s, while the total amount of installed solar has soared 115,000-fold.
The reason solar-power generation will increasingly dominate: It’s a technology, not a fuel. As such, efficiency increases and prices fall as time goes on. What's more, the price of batteries to store solar power when the sun isn't shining is falling in a similarly stunning arc.
The best minds in energy keep underestimating what solar and wind can do. Since 2000, the International Energy Agency has raised its long-term solar forecast 14 times and its wind forecast five times. Every time global wind power doubles, there's a 19 percent drop in cost, according to BNEF, and every time solar power doubles, costs fall 24 percent.
Wind and Solar Are Crushing Fossil Fuels
Record clean energy investment outpaces gas and coal 2 to 1.
Wind and solar have grown seemingly unstoppable.
While two years of crashing prices for oil, natural gas, and coal triggered dramatic downsizing in those industries, renewables have been thriving. Clean energy investment broke new records in 2015 and is now seeing twice as much global funding as fossil fuels.

One reason is that renewable energy is becoming ever cheaper to produce. Recent solar and wind auctions in Mexico and Morocco ended with winning bids from companies that promised to produce electricity at the cheapest rate, from any source, anywhere in the world, said Michael Liebreich, chairman of the advisory board for Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF).  

"We're in a low-cost-of-oil environment for the foreseeable future," Liebreich said during his keynote address at the BNEF Summit in New York on Tuesday. "Did that stop renewable energy investment? Not at all."

Talk about the phase transition in energy geopolitics - Planning for strategic shifting is getting ‘chic’ (bad pun I( know) still this is interesting - should make other oil heavy investment approaches pause to re-think. I would be convenient if the availability of oil were reduced to increase the price - at least until sales are made.
“IPOing Aramco and transferring its shares to PIF will technically make investments the source of Saudi government revenue, not oil,” the prince said in an interview at the royal compound in Riyadh that ended at 4 a.m. on Thursday. “What is left now is to diversify investments. So within 20 years, we will be an economy or state that doesn’t depend mainly on oil.”
….The sale of Aramco, or Saudi Arabian Oil Co., is planned for 2018 or even a year earlier, according to the prince. The fund will then play a major role in the economy, investing at home and abroad. It would be big enough to buy Apple Inc., Google parent Alphabet Inc., Microsoft Corp. and Berkshire Hathaway Inc. -- the world’s four largest publicly traded companies.
Saudi Arabia Plans $2 Trillion Megafund for Post-Oil Era: Deputy Crown Prince
Saudi Arabia is getting ready for the twilight of the oil age by creating the world’s largest sovereign wealth fund for the kingdom’s most prized assets.

Over a five-hour conversation, Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman laid out his vision for the Public Investment Fund, which will eventually control more than $2 trillion and help wean the kingdom off oil. As part of that strategy, the prince said Saudi will sell shares in Aramco’s parent company and transform the oil giant into an industrial conglomerate. The initial public offering could happen as soon as next year, with the country currently planning to sell less than 5 percent.

The idea of the domestication of DNA arises with the digital environment and the realization that biology has become an information science and DNA is code - this is moving even closer to a reality.
However, designing each circuit is a laborious process that requires great expertise and often a lot of trial and error. "You have to have this really intimate knowledge of how those pieces are going to work and how they're going to come together," Voigt says.
Users of the new programming language, however, need no special knowledge of genetic engineering.
"You could be completely naive as to how any of it works. That's what's really different about this," Voigt says. "You could be a student in high school and go onto the Web-based server and type out the program you want, and it spits back the DNA sequence."
A programming language for living cells
MIT biological engineers have created a programming language that allows them to rapidly design complex, DNA-encoded circuits that give new functions to living cells.

Using this language, anyone can write a program for the function they want, such as detecting and responding to certain environmental conditions. They can then generate a DNA sequence that will achieve it.

"It is literally a programming language for bacteria," says Christopher Voigt, an MIT professor of biological engineering. "You use a text-based language, just like you're programming a computer. Then you take that text and you compile it and it turns it into a DNA sequence that you put into the cell, and the circuit runs inside the cell."

Voigt and colleagues at Boston University and the National Institute of Standards and Technology have used this language, which they describe in the April 1 issue of Science, to build circuits that can detect up to three inputs and respond in different ways. Future applications for this kind of programming include designing bacterial cells that can produce a cancer drug when they detect a tumor, or creating yeast cells that can halt their own fermentation process if too many toxic byproducts build up.

The researchers plan to make the user design interface available on the Web.

This is an hour long reality TV docudrama - exploring the what is called social compliance - and in particular explores whether this tendency to ‘listen to authority’ can be used to ‘push’ people to commit murder. This may not be for everyone - but explores in a very dramatic way the ideas implied by the Milgram experiments. I think people will either love or hate this program. What is interesting is that each step in creating conditions of compliance are carefully explained.
Derren Brown - Pushed to the Edge

For Fun
Here is an academically developed game aimed at helping kids learn positive social skills.
Crystals of Kaydor
A team of researchers and game designers, led by Richard Davidson and Center Collaborator Constance Steinkuehler, developed the video game Crystals of Kaydor from the ground up aimed at teaching children pro-social behaviors, including recognizing others’ emotions.

This is a fantastic list by Charles Stross - for anyone interested in science fiction this is a must read.
Towards a taxonomy of cliches in Space Opera
So I'm chewing over the idea of eventually returning to writing far future SF-in-spaaaace, because that's what my editors tell me is hot right now (subtext: "Charlie, won't you write us a space opera?"). A secondary requirement is that it has to be all new—no sequels to earlier work need apply. But I have a headache, because the new space opera turns 30 this year, with the anniversary of the publication of "Consider Phlebas" (or maybe "Schismatrix")—or even 40 (with the anniversary of the original "Star Wars"). There's a lot of prior art, much of it not very good, and the field has accumulated a huge and hoary body of cliches.

This is not an exhaustive list—it's merely a start, the tip of a very large iceberg glimpsed on the horizon. And note that I'm specifically excluding the big media franchise products—Star Wars, Star Trek, Firefly, and similar—from consideration: any one of them could provide a huge cliche list in its own right, but I'm interested in the substance of the literary genre rather than in what TV and film have built using the borrowed furniture of the field.

This is one of my favorite April fool’s jokes - the video is 1.5 min. The smile is worth the view..
Sonified Higgs data show a surprising result
Scientists at CERN have been using new techniques to try and learn more about the tiniest particles in our universe. One unusual method they’ve utilised is to turn data from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) into sounds – using music as a language to translate what they find.
This is exactly what happened this week when physicists at CERN sonified the Higgs boson data. They were shocked when, after listening to random notes as the data played its random tune, a bump in the graph translated into a well-known pattern of recognisable notes.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Friday Thinking 1 April 2016

Hello – Friday Thinking is curated on the basis of my own curiosity and offered in the spirit of sharing. Many thanks to those who enjoy this. 

In the 21st Century curiosity will SKILL the cat.

Scientists confirm The Singularity has arrived - AI designs its next version! 

- ooops - misreading - I must be tired after that 31 day march.
John Verdon

This essay proposes a map for four domains of creative exploration—Science, Engineering, Design and Art—in an attempt to represent the antidisciplinary hypothesis: that knowledge can no longer be ascribed to, or produced within, disciplinary boundaries, but is entirely entangled. The goal is to establish a tentative, yet holistic, cartography of the interrelation between these domains, where one realm can incite ®evolution inside another; and where a single individual or project can reside in multiple dominions. Mostly, this is an invitation to question and to amend what is being proposed.
how can we become constant travelers within a border-free, and lingo-legible ‘intellectual Pangea?’
Neri Oxman - Age of Entanglement - Journal of Design and Science

the conclusion is absolutely clear: We need more truly breakthrough innovations in pedagogical approaches to higher education. The traditional classroom model does not work, and we have to rethink it.

The solution is to try to rethink education and to basically ask the question: How can we use technology to enable us [in the following ways]? Number one, personalization; two, a better way of engaging the learners; three, … balancing technology with the absolutely critical component of the human interaction between mentor and student? And four, how do we do it in a way that is scalable, so that you can actually achieve the objective?

Higher education has been a sleepy industry. It hasn’t been disrupted. It’s been able to carry on, as-is, for hundreds of years. And in the next 10 years — or even sooner — it’s all going to change.

Generation Z is used to devices, they are used to being entertained, and education has to respond to the new profile of this generation.
Ahead of the Class: Mapping Education’s Next Transformation

“Suppose I am a blind man, and I use a stick. I go tap, tap, tap. Where do I start? Is my mental system bounded at the handle of the stick? Is it bounded by my skin? Does it start halfway up the stick? Does it start at the tip of the stick? But these are nonsense questions. The stick is a pathway along which transforms of difference are being transmitted. The way to delineate the system is to draw the limiting line in such a way that you do not cut any of these pathways in ways which leave things inexplicable. If what you are trying to explain is a given piece of behavior, such as the locomotion of the blind man, then, for this purpose, you will need the street, the stick, the man; the street, the stick, and so on, round and round.”
Gregory Bateson - Steps to an Ecology of Mind, 1972, 459

This is a short article - with a very interesting info-graphic that is a useful summary of drivers of change and broad categories of knowledge/skill for the future of work.
10 Critical Skills You’ll Need to Succeed at Work in 2020
Which skills will be most in demand in the coming years? This infographic shows you how to set yourself up for success.
...they look nothing like the skills desired of workers in the industrial revolution, or even in the dot-com era.
Many factors and ingredients work together to create a recipe for success in work and in business. Perhaps, though, one of the most important ingredients to success is the ability to adapt as technology changes and new trends emerge in a fast-paced digital world.

A new infographic shows that six key factors are driving the change were seeing right right now: extreme longevity, the rise of smart machines and systems, our computational world, new media ecology, superstructures organizations and the globally connected world.

With all of these massive issues in play, what will the working landscape look like in five years? What skills will employees need to succeed?

This is a MUST VIEW 6 min video - re-imagining education using the blockchain. For anyone who is interested in lifelong learning in a context of accelerating change and innovation.
Own Your Achievements: Three Ways Blockchain Tech is Disrupting Education
Learning is Earning 2026
Blockchain technology is, indeed, setting foundations for transformational opportunities in education. At its core, blockchains are a way to organize and copy records, using software run on personal computers. Open systems like those behind the online currency Bitcoin allow anyone to post records or issue certifications. The result? Educational institutions or any learning group can issue certifications like edublocks, tying them to the organization and allowing the receiver to use them, alongside other certifications, in a personal learning portfolio.

This is a short 14 min video - a sort of biography of Elinor Ostrom. This really is worth the view -a vital demonstration of the need to embody diversity in our institutions. She has provided overwhelming evidence that there is no ‘tragedy of the commons’ when participant can talk -converse, create their own rules of self-governance & management and rules about changing the rules. Establishing mechanisms to gain common understanding, trust and human ingenuity enables self-organization. She helped transform the pseudo science of economics into the more appropriate multidisciplinary domain of political-social-economics.
Are ordinary people able to self-organize?
Elinor C. Ostrom, Nobel Laureate, 2009
Elinor C. Ostrom, the first female Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences, believed that people are perfectly capable of taking control of decisions that affect their lives, without external authorities imposing rules. Her extensive fieldwork focused on how people interact with ecosystems, such as forests, fisheries and irrigation systems, while maintaining the long-term sustainability of these resources.

Her findings proved how societies develop diverse management systems. Rather than imposing a singular ‘panacea’ to manage these multi-faceted interactions, she identified eight ‘design principles’ for stable, common pool resource management. She outlined these principles in her 1990 book, Governing the Commons : The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action, which showed how shared resources can be managed by local people.

Another important domain of self-organization that is being revealed as increasingly complex is the immune system. This is a longish article that is an excellent summary of both the broad scientific research and the use of metaphors to understand just what the immune system is and how it works. The discussion can also provide a useful framework for also understanding security. Worth the read.
Beyond cell wars
It is time to disarm the military metaphor of the body as a battleground, with immune cells as the first line of defence
Whenever I hear about my immune system: my days appear placid, yet under the surface my body seethes with threats and counter-measures.

This militarisation of biology troubles me. When my children were young, I worried about their immune systems: had they had the right jabs? Might their later teenage indifference to sleep or sensible food have undermined their resistance to, well, I don’t know, life? When my elderly parents were in and out of hospital, I worried that the MRSA ‘superbug’ would get them. In the end, each succumbed to old age. But both death certificates cite bronchial pneumonia – a cause of death often associated with being immunocompromised.

More positively, not to say smugly, I always find it hard not to credit my apparent inability to catch the flu to my having a slightly superior immune system. But that’s a luxury of a healthy life. If I’d grappled with one of a growing list of diseases – not just the obviously infectious ones, but everything from cancer and heart disease to irritable bowel syndrome and arthritis – then my hopes and fears about immune defence would intensify.

And I have another worry: is this actually a good way to understand my body and what it is doing? The imagery of war is hard to get away from.

The blockchain could be described as a distributed ledger that could function as a social-economic immune system for a range of functions including counterfeit-proof currency. This is an interesting discussion of a development in the blockchain and crypto-currency domain - although articles referencing Ethereum have been included in Friday Thinking for a few years.
Is Ethereum, a new virtual currency, the new Bitcoin 2.0?
In addition to the virtual currency, the software provides a way to create online markets and programmable transactions known as smart contracts.

Even as Bitcoin, riven by internal divisions, has struggled, a rival virtual currency — known as Ethereum — has soared in value, climbing 1,000 percent over the past three months.

Beyond the price spike, Ethereum is also attracting attention from giants in finance and technology, like JPMorgan Chase, Microsoft and IBM, which have described it as a sort of Bitcoin 2.0.

The system is complicated enough that even people who know it well have trouble describing it in plain English. But one application in development would let farmers put their produce up for sale directly to consumers and take payment directly from consumers. There are dozens of functioning applications built on Ethereum, enabling new ways ways to manage and pay for electricity, sports bets and even Ponzi schemes.

While this article seems focused on Tesla - you have to include other players like Google and the accelerating world of devices that are manifesting in-and-as the digital environment - including the Internet-of-Things. We need not only ‘world class fiber’ but we need ubiquitous digital infrastructure as a public commons.
The Tesla Dividend: Better Internet Access
Elon Musk’s newest car doesn’t just run on electricity — it needs a world class fiber network
I’m looking forward to Tesla’s release of its mass-market Model 3 electric car next week. Owners love their beautiful Teslas, and this one will reportedly cost $35,000 before federal and state tax credits, meaning the net price could be less than the cost of an average American car. But my pulse rate is higher not because of the car itself, or even its price tag. I’m excited because of what’s inside: a battery that can cost-effectively store enough energy to allow for hundreds of miles of travel. And an operating system that needs constant upgrades.

Tesla Motor’s CEO Elon Musk says that lowering the cost of delivering a kilowatt hour to every car is the key to lowering the cost of electric cars. With the gigantic Tesla Gigafactory in Nevada grinding away producing batteries — 5.5 million square feet! 150 acres under one roof! — he is convinced he’ll be able to achieve the economies of scale that make the Tesla batteries truly cheap and the Model 3 an accessible vehicle for many Americans. His goal: sell half a million electric vehicles by 2020. Cheaper battery, cheaper car: mass market adoption.

If you’re a Tesla follower or a Musk fan, you might have heard this already. But here’s what you haven’t heard: For all those cars to do their jobs, we’re going to need fiber high-speed Internet access connections deep into every neighborhood in the country.

It could be that mass entertainment has become formulaic - both in literary, film/TV, and music media - if that’s the case we should be welcoming of entertainment that brings of the comfort of the familiar routine. But perhaps the automation of creative work looms.
….except from the novel to give you an idea as to what human contestants were up against:
“I writhed with joy, which I experienced for the first time, and kept writing with excitement.
“The day a computer wrote a novel. The computer, placing priority on the pursuit of its own joy, stopped working for humans.”
A Japanese AI Wrote a Novel, Almost Wins Literary Award
I had thought my job was safe from automation--a computer couldn't possibly replicate the complex creativity of human language in writing or piece together a coherent story. I may have been wrong. Authors beware, because an AI-written novel just made it past the first round of screening for a national literary prize in Japan.

The novel this program co-authored is titled, The Day A Computer Writes A Novel. It was entered into a writing contest for the Hoshi Shinichi Literary Award. The contest has been open to non-human applicants in years prior, however, this was the first year the award committee received submissions from an AI. Out of the 1,450 submissions, 11 were at least partially written by a program.

Here’s another breakthrough in the process of domesticating DNA.
Unlocking the secrets of gene expression: Scientists make major advance in understanding a basic process of life
Using cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) scientist Eva Nogales and her team have made a significant breakthrough in our understanding of how our molecular machinery finds the right DNA to copy, showing with unprecedented detail the role of a powerhouse transcription factor known as TFIID.

This finding is important as it paves the way for scientists to understand and treat a host of malignancies. "Understanding this regulatory process in the cell is the only way to manipulate it or fix it when it goes bad," said Nogales. "Gene expression is at the heart of many essential biological processes, from embryonic development to cancer. One day we'll be able to manipulate these fundamental mechanisms, either to correct for expression of genes that should or should not be present or to take care of malignant states where the process has gone out of control."

Their study has been published in the journal Nature in an article titled, "Structure of promoter-bound TFIID and insight into human PIC assembly." The lead author is Robert Louder, a biophysics graduate student in Nogales' lab, and other authors are Yuan He, José Ramón López-Blanco, Jie Fang, and Pablo Chacón.

One way to view our domestication of DNA is the unlocking the knowledge contained in the gene pool. It has been argued that the individual is not the unit of evolutionary survival rather the unit is ‘Species-in-Environment’. This view lets us understand that it is the whole gene pool that is our common wealth. That each individual-in-environment is included in each species-in-environment. That the relationship between changing environmental conditions directly influences what the gene pool can manifest. Thus each species is perceivable as an instantiation of the many possibilities inherent within ‘momentary’ environmental conditions. This meas that the ‘common wealth’ of the gene pool is more than what can be seen in current or even past manifestations - the wealth lies in all of the vast possibilities of combination and manifestation inherent in the gene pool.
This article suggests that ‘dinosaur-hood’ remains latent in the gene pool.
Scientists have grown 'dinosaur legs' on a chicken for the first time
Until very recently, one of the biggest myths in science was that all dinosaurs have been extinct for the past 65 million years. But thanks to new fossil discoveries that filled in our knowledge about avian dinosaurs, we now know that only some dinosaurs went extinct following an asteroid collision with Earth - others survived and gave rise to the birds we live with today.

To figure out how this evolution occurred, researchers in Chile have manipulated the genes of regular chickens so they develop tubular, dinosaur-like fibulas on their lower legs - one of the two long, spine-like bones you’ll find in a drumstick.

This isn't the first time dinosaur traits have been 'recreated' in modern chickens.Last year, the same team achieved the growth of dinosaur-like feet on their chickens, and a separate team in the US managed to grow a dinosaur-like 'beak' on its chicken embryos.

One more step toward a stem-cell therapy many of us are looking forward to - or will be happy to have available.
Towards a Stem Cell Treatment for Osteoporosis
Researchers have demonstrated a successful and fairly straightforward stem cell therapy for osteoporosis in mice, though it remains a question mark as to exactly how it works under the hood. Osteoporosis is the name given to the age-related loss of bone mass and strength, with the primary proximate cause being a growing imbalance between the activities of osteoblasts that deposit bone and osteoclasts that absorb it. There are other factors involved, such as persistent cross-linking that makes the molecular structure of bone more fragile, but so far the best results in the laboratory have arisen from increasing osteoblast activity, reducing osteoclast activity, or both in conjunction.

Here’s a longish but great article on the question of repeatability in evolution - contingency or convergence?
If the World Began Again, Would Life as We Know It Exist?
Experiments in evolution are exploring what would happen if we rewound the tape of life.
Both scholars recognized that convergence and contingency exist in evolution. Their debate instead revolved around how repeatable or unique key adaptations, like human intelligence, are. Meanwhile, other biologists have taken up the puzzle, and shown how convergence and contingency interact. Understanding the interplay of these two forces could reveal whether every living thing is the result of a several-billion-year-long chain of lucky chances, or whether we all—salamanders and humans alike—are as inevitable as death and taxes.

So far, the biggest shortcoming in all of the attempts to answer the “tape of life” question is that biologists can only draw conclusions based on just one biosphere—the Earth’s. An encounter with extra-terrestrial life would undoubtedly tell us more. Even though alien organisms may not have DNA, they’d likely show similar patterns of evolution. They would need some material that would be passed down to their descendants, which would guide the development of organisms and change over time. As Lenski says, “What’s true for E. coli is also true for some microbe anywhere in the universe.”

Therefore, the same interactions between convergence and contingency might play out on other planets. And if extraterrestrial life faces similar evolutionary pressures to life on Earth, future humans may discover aliens that have convergently evolved an intelligence like ours. On the other hand, if contingent events build on one another, driving the development of life down unique paths as Gould suggested, extra-terrestrial life may be extraordinarily strange.

So will AI evolve? Will our personal AI-ssistants become like digital mitochondria? Perhaps we should ask some actuarial expert?
MIT Spinout Insurify Raises $2 Million To Replace Human Insurance Agents With A Robot
Insurify, a startup out of MIT, today announced the launch of Evia (Expert Virtual Insurance Agent), an artificially intelligent virtual insurance agent that aims to find you better car insurance using a photo of your license plate.

The company recently pulled in $2 million in seed from Rationalwave Capital Partners to create EVIA and launch its robo-agent platform.

“We barely have time to talk to our friends on the phone, nevermind insurance agents. Yet buying insurance is still as bad as buying an airline ticket was 15 years ago, often requiring 40 minutes on the phone with an agent,” Insurify CEO Snejina Zacharia told TechCrunch about why she started the business.

Here is a must view 7 min video about the future of the ‘control center’ in the digital environment. While this video focuses on drone marine operations - it’s pretty easy to imagine this to any form of operational environment.
Rolls-Royce future shore control centre
Rolls-Royce presents a vision of a future land-based control centre in which a small crew of 7 to 14 people monitor and control a fleet of remote controlled and autonomous vessels across the world. The crew uses interactive smart screens, voice recognition systems, holograms and surveillance drones to monitor what is happening both on board and around the ship.

Remote and autonomous ships are one of three elements of the company’s innovative Ship Intelligence strategy, which will enable customers to transform their marine businesses by harnessing the power of big data.

The research was undertaken by VTT and University of Tampere research centre TAUCHI (Tampere Unit for Computer Human Interaction) in collaboration with Rolls-Royce. It explored the lessons learned from other industries where remote operation is commonplace, such as aviation, energy, defence, and space exploration.

Along with new form of AI-ssistants wil come new form of institutional digital platforms. The Bitcoin may be a fad - but the blockchain continues to expand it domain of interests.
IBM and Microsoft Will Let You Roll Your Own Blockchain
THEY CALL IT the Hyperledger. And it can be yours.
In late December, several big-name companies from across both the tech and financial industries—including IBM, JP Morgan, Wells Fargo, and the London Stock Exchange—unveiled a new open source software project based on the blockchain, the global online ledger that underpins the bitcoin digital currency. The project aims to build blockchain-like software that can more efficiently, reliably, and openly track the exchange of financial assets, including stocks, bonds, futures, houses, and car titles. And considering the names involved—particularly the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation, or DTCC, which oversees Wall Street’s stock settlement system—it’s an enormously significant undertaking.

Unlike the blockchain itself, the Hyperledger software isn’t battle-tested. In fact, it’s still being built. But on Tuesday, IBM unveiled a new cloud computing service that lets anyone kick the proverbial tires on this fledgling technology. “Anyone who signs up can use it,” says Arvind Krishna, the IBM Research director who is perhaps the man most responsible for the creation of the Hyperledger project, explains that although you’ll have to pay to spin up the software on a large number of IBM cloud machines, the service is free for use on a few computers.

Last year, researchers under Krishna began building an alternative to the blockchain. And after Krishna and others helped bootstrap the Hyperledger project—which operates under the aegis of the not-for-profit Linux Foundation—IBM donated its code to this open source effort. Others have donated additional code, but it appears that IBM’s contribution will serve as the foundation of the project.

May who have offered critique of the emerging Internet of Things talk about energy requirements - here’s a development that can contribute to the phase transition in energy.
Passive Wi-Fi can for the first time transmit Wi-Fi signals at bit rates of up to 11 megabits per second that can be decoded on any of the billions of devices with Wi-Fi connectivity. These speeds are lower than the maximum Wi-Fi speeds but 11 times higher than Bluetooth.
Aside from saving battery life on today’s devices, wireless communication that uses almost no power will help enable an “Internet of Things” reality where household devices and wearable sensors can communicate using Wi-Fi without worrying about power.
The technology could enable entirely new types of communication that haven’t been possible because energy demands have outstripped available power supplies. It could also simplify our data-intensive worlds.
UW engineers achieve Wi-Fi at 10,000 times lower power
The upside of Wi-Fi is that it’s everywhere – invisibly connecting laptops to printers, allowing smartphones to make calls or stream movies without cell service, and letting online gamers battle it out.

The downside is that using Wi-Fi consumes a significant amount of energy, draining the batteries on all those connected devices.

Now, a team of University of Washington computer scientists and electrical engineers has demonstrated that it’s possible to generate Wi-Fi transmissions using 10,000 times less power than conventional methods.

The new Passive Wi-Fi system also consumes 1,000 times less power than existing energy-efficient wireless communication platforms, such as Bluetooth Low Energy and Zigbee. A paper describing those results will be presented in March at the 13th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation.
The technology has also been named one of the 10 breakthrough technologies of 2016 by MIT Technology Review.

With an accelerating increase in devices coming online how will all that traffic be managed? This is also another argument for understanding the digital environment as a public commons.
DARPA wants machine learning embedded into devices to collaboratively share wireless spectrum
The $2 million DARPA Spectrum Collaboration Challenge (SC2) is about getting the billions to trillions of wireless devices to efficiently share the wireless spectrum.

Teams will be rewarded for developing smart systems that collaboratively, rather than competitively,adapt in real time to today’s fast-changing, congested spectrum environment—redefining the conventional spectrum management roles of humans and machines in order to maximize the flow of radio frequency (RF) signals. DARPA officials unveiled the new Challenge before some 8000 engineers and communications professionals gathered in Las Vegas at the International Wireless Communications Expo (IWCE).

The primary goal of SC2 is to imbue radios with advanced machine-learning capabilities so they can collectively develop strategies that optimize use of the wireless spectrum in ways not possible with today’s intrinsically inefficient approach of pre-allocating exclusive access to designated frequencies. The challenge is expected to both take advantage of recent significant progress in the fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning and also spur new developments in those research domains, with potential applications in other fields where collaborative decision-making is critical.

“DARPA Challenges have traditionally rewarded teams that dominate their competitors, but when it comes to making the most of the electromagnetic spectrum, the team that shares most intelligently is going to win,” said SC2 program manager Paul Tilghman of DARPA’s Microsystems Technology Office (MTO). “We want to radically accelerate the development of machine-learning technologies and strategies that will allow on-the-fly sharing of spectrum at machine timescales.”

On the energy front - evidence of the phase transition in energy-geo-politics. Even if the price of oil increases - it is unlikely to inspire increases in investment oil extraction - given the zero-marginal cost of renewable energy (once the infrastructure if built).
Developing world overtakes West in renewables investments
A U.N.-backed report says global investments in solar, wind and other sources of renewable energy reached a record $286 billion last year. For the first time the developing world accounted for the majority.

The United Nations Environment Program on Thursday said renewable investments in developing countries jumped 19 percent to $156 billion in 2015, with $103 billion in China alone.

U.S. investments rose 19 percent to $44 billion but, overall, investments in developed countries fell 8 percent to $130 billion.

Despite higher investments, renewables accounted for only one-tenth of global power generation, most of which comes from coal and natural gas.

This is an interesting study of the potential solar energy obtainable from rooftop installation of solar panels in the US.
Solar rooftops could generate much more energy than previously estimated, says NREL
Analysts at the Energy Department’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) have used detailed light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data for 128 cities nationwide, along with improved data analysis methods and simulation tools, to update its estimate of total U.S. technical potential for rooftop photovoltaic (PV) systems. The analysis reveals a technical potential of 1,118 gigawatts (GW) of capacity and 1,432 terawatt-hours (TWh) of annual energy generation, equivalent to 39 percent of the nation’s electricity sales.

This current estimate is significantly greater than that of a previous NREL analysis, which estimated 664 GW of installed capacity and 800 TWh of annual energy generation. Analysts attribute the new findings to increases in module power density, improved estimation of building suitability, higher estimates of the total number of buildings, and improvements in PV performance simulation tools.

The analysis appears in “Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Technical Potential in the United States: A Detailed Assessment.” The report quantifies the technical potential for rooftop PV in the United States, which is an estimate of how much energy could be generated if PV systems were installed on all suitable roof areas.

“It is important to note that this report only estimates the potential from existing, suitable rooftops, and does not consider the immense potential of ground-mounted PV,” said Margolis. “Actual generation from PV in urban areas could exceed these estimates by installing systems on less suitable roof space, by mounting PV on canopies over open spaces such as parking lots, or by integrating PV into building facades. Further, the results are sensitive to assumptions about module performance, which are expected to continue improving over time.”

The quandary - low oil prices make expensive oil not profitable - nudging investor dollars to near-zero marginal cost renewable energy technology. High oil prices creates increasing demand for near-zero marginal cost renewable energy. And of course the context is global warming and the need to reduce our carbon footprint.
Rockefeller Family Fund hits Exxon, divests from fossil fuels
The Rockefeller Family Fund said on Wednesday it would divest from fossil fuels as quickly as possible and "eliminate holdings" of Exxon Mobil Corp (XOM.N), saying the oil company associated with the family fortune has misled the public about climate change risks.

Though only a sliver of the endowment's modest $130 million in assets is invested in fossil fuels, the move is notable because a century ago John D. Rockefeller Sr. made a fortune running Standard Oil, a precursor to Exxon Mobil. The charity said it would also divest from coal and Canadian oil sands.

Given the threat posed to the survival of human and natural ecosystems, "there is no sane rationale for companies to continue to explore for new sources of hydrocarbons," the Rockefeller Family Fund said.

Here’s another breakthrough in the energy domain.
This research united engineers, chemists, materials scientists, mathematicians, physicists, and computer scientists across three countries.
Saving sunshine for a rainy day: New catalyst offers efficient storage of green energy
This device efficiently splits water into its component elements, hydrogen and oxygen, storing energy as H2. The key is a new catalyst based on abundant metals tungsten, iron and cobalt, that is three times more efficient than the current state-of-the-art.

Now, a group of researchers led by Professor Ted Sargent at the University of Toronto's Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering may have a solution inspired by nature.
The team has designed the most efficient catalyst for storing energy in chemical form, by splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen, just like plants do during photosynthesis. Oxygen is released harmlessly into the atmosphere, and hydrogen, as H2, can be converted back into energy using hydrogen fuel cells.

This new catalyst facilitates the oxygen-evolution portion of the chemical reaction, making the conversion from H2O into O2 and H2 more energy-efficient than ever before. The intrinsic efficiency of the new catalyst material is over three times more efficient than the best state-of-the-art catalyst.

This is a great 2 min video explaining a  new approach to industrial scale 3D printing - one that can speed up the fabrication process significantly. One can imagine a concept of swarm 3D printing. Worth the view.
Autodesk’s Project Escher
Autodesk’s Project Escher now makes it possible to print large scale 3D parts with unprecedented speed and detail. Through software, control and hardware integration Project Escher enables a fundamentally new class of 3D printer.

For Fun or Interest
This may be of interest to any visual artists.
Here’s Where To Download OpenToonz, Studio Ghibli’s Free Animation Software
OpenToonz, the open source version of the Toonz animation software used by Studio Ghibli, was released to the public this weekend. If you want to get your hands on the software, OpenToonz can be officially downloaded at

The robust 2D animation software suite, which has also been used in the production of TV series like Steven Universe and Futurama and theatrical features including Anastasia and Balto, was made open source through a partnership between Italian developer Digital Video and Japanese company Dwango. Its release is a game changer for 2D animation production that could rewrite the future of the art form, possibly leading to a major increase in drawn animation production, while forcing software developers like Adobe and Toonboom to scramble and find ways to distinguish their 2D animation software from a powerful, free alternative.

This may be even more fun than BattleBots. There are 4 short fun videos included.
June 2016: America and Japan to face off in giant robot combat
America has challenged Japan to the world's first intercontinental giant robot fight in 2016. Megabot vs. Kuratas to the mechanical death.
"You have a giant robot, we have a giant robot – we have a duty to the science fiction lovers of this world to fight them to the death." America laid down the challenge; Japan has accepted. In one year's time, the two countries will face off on neutral soil for the world's first international giant robot dual. Two 15-foot-tall steel gundam suits with one or two pilots inside, facing each other in battle. There will be guns, there will be giant swinging steel fists, and the fight won't be over until one has pounded the other into scrap. Can you hear that sound? It's the gentle foaming of a million anime fans.

If the full-contact high-tech weapons fighting of Unified Weapons Master isn't enough for you, giant robot battles might tickle your fancy.

America's Megabots threw down the challenge to Japan's Suidobashi a few days ago...
So what do the two competitors look like at this stage? Well, the Megabot is 15 feet tall and 12,000 pounds, and Suidobashi's Kuratas is around 13 feet and 9,000 pounds. The Megabot moves around on a pair of tank-style tracks, where the Kuratas is faster and lighter, and gets around on a set of 4 wheels, on wide extending legs that can raise the robot up to get around quickly.

The Megabot requires two pilots, one driver and one gunner to operate its huge arm-mounted paintball cannons, which fire oversized paintballs at over 120 miles per hour, enough to dent car panels.