Thursday, December 10, 2015

Friday Thinking 11 December 2015

Hello – Friday Thinking is curated on the basis of my own curiosity and offered in the spirit of sharing. Many thanks to those who enjoy this. 

In the 21st Century curiosity will SKILL the cat.

your boss is tracking you, your neighbour is a robot, and it’s cool to be old… employment, but not as we know it

‘My father had one job in his life, I’ve had six in mine, my kids will have six at the same time’
Life inside the new gig economy

New Structures - Rather than moving up in one direction, ambitious employees will be able to move sideways, tapping into new networks.

Browse the business section of any bookshop and you’ll find dozens of titles promising to share the secret to climbing the corporate ladder. But the day is not far off when such books will seem as quaint and outmoded as a housekeeping manual from the 1950s.

...This new diversity, combined with technological advances, has fed demand for a more collaborative and flexible working environment. Benko estimates that companies have “flattened out” by about 25% over the past 25 years, losing several layers of management in favour of a more grid-like structure, where ideas flow along horizontal, vertical and diagonal paths.

...In the ladder model, you’re looking in one direction, which is up. In the lattice organisation you can find growth by doing different roles, so you have new experiences, you acquire new skills, you tap into new networks. The world is less predictable than it was in the industrial age, so you stay relevant by acquiring a portfolio of transferable skills.
Five ways work will change in the future

“THE man who wears the shoe knows best where it pinches, even if the expert shoemaker is the best judge of how the trouble is to be remedied.” So said the American philosopher John Dewey, defining something of an ideal relationship between government and citizen – or for that matter, company and consumer. The ideal? Listen carefully to what people want, and then expertly fashion policies (and products) to service those appetites well.

The grandees of state and the CEOs of corporate life think they have been “smart” in that way for at least a century. The historical record of both can, at the very least, somewhat dent their professional confidence.

Recently, however, enabled by the internet, the people have raised their game. Hands-on expertise is everywhere. The makers and DIY-ers are on the march. How should mandarins and moguls respond to newly smart consumers and citizens?
How do we learn to be citizens of a smart info-state?

The emergence of the ‘collaborative commons’ is more important then just free access to content such as text, music and video media. It is vital to the future of robust creative innovation. Here’s an important report on the State of the Creative Commons.
State of the Commons
Collaboration, sharing, and cooperation are a driving force for human evolution. Creative Commoners have known this fact all along, and recently there has been a flurry of new research to explain why. We are hardwired for sharing. Harvard professor on evolutionary dynamics Martin Nowak calls it the essential “snuggle for survival” – evidence that sharing is not just a selfless act. Sharing has concurrent and lasting benefits, multiplied for the giver, the receiver, and communities at large.

The online communities that we’ve created together are a global platform for sharing. If we want to live in a digital world that is fair, diverse, vibrant, serendipitous, and safe for everyone, we will have to choose to make it that way. If that world is going to be accessible, equitable, and full of innovation and opportunity, it will require our leadership to foster and defend these ideals. Founded in 2001, Creative Commons has created legal and technical infrastructure that is fundamental to the Web we know and love. Today, our work goes beyond the ubiquitous CC licenses to foster cooperation and sharing, support collaborative communities, and drive engagement across the spectrum of open knowledge and free culture.

Creative Commons is a global charity, with an powerful affiliate network of researchers, activists, legal, education and policy advocates, and volunteers who serve as CC representatives in over 85 countries. Together, we lead this ever-growing global movement. Whether it’s open education, open data, science, research, music, video, photography, or public policy, we are putting sharing and collaboration at the heart of the Web. In doing so, we are much closer to realizing our vision: unlocking the full potential of the Internet to drive a new era of development, growth, and productivity.

Susan Crawford continues to be a voice of righteous transformation and ‘re-imagining’ our digital future. This is another MUST READ for anyone interested in the future of productive infrastructure for all - for the Wealth of People.
Big Cable’s Sledgehammer Is Coming Down
Why usage-based billing is a threat to the open internet, and what can be done to stop it
I take no pride in saying that I’ve been talking about it for years. The sledgehammer is not something I welcome, and I would have been happy if my fears about it never materialized. After all, the sledgehammer could cost internet users billions of dollars, enrich monopolists, and defeat the spirit — if not the law — of net neutrality. In a big way, the sledgehammer will also beat down our economic growth. This is one evil sledgehammer.

And it sounds so innocent! Usage-based billing. Kind of like paying for what you use, right? Don’t be fooled. The usage-based billing playbook was developed by the mobile wireless industry, which itself is nothing more than a duopoly (Verizon Wireless and AT&T) with a fringe of a few other firms with similar business models. I’ve been predicting for years that usage-based billing will be used as a sledgehammer by other internet access providers like Comcast. Unfortunately, it looks like I’ve been proven right.

The sledgehammer (as employed by the mobile carriers) is a part of a complex scheme designed to hijack the development of a fast, cheap, competitive, unlimited-capacity data communications systems — like the one our country should have.

The season of resolutions and prediction is looming - here’s a very short, early prediction of what’s possible next year.
Microsoft's 2016 predictions: Expect the year of machine-aided wit
Expect your conversations with friends to be mediated by bots in the not distant future, according to experts from Microsoft.
Microsoft's top researchers think next year will be a "golden age of technological advancement", bringing major progress in artificial intelligence and even machines that make us laugh.

Microsoft is betting big on AI with initiatives such as Project Oxford, Cortana and its AI chatbot Xiaoice.

So it's little surprise to see that the Redmond company's researchers think 2016 will be a turning point for the technology that sets the stage for it to transform everything from human conversation to employment, industry and scientific discovery over the next decade.

According to Lili Cheng, an engineer at Microsoft Research NExT, humans can expect to gain machine-aided wit in 2016 that "will blur the way we think about our computers, phones and our memories and relationships".

The complex relationship to the progress occurring in the domestication of DNA and our concerns in grappling with the ethics of this progress is …. well complex.
Patients Favor Changing the Genes of the Next Generation with CRISPR
To people facing a devastating inherited disease, engineering humanity sounds like a good thing.
Jeff Carroll inherited the DNA mutation that causes Huntington’s disease. It means that in a decade or two, he’ll lose control over his body and slowly go mad, just like his mother.

That’s the reason Carroll, 38, says he’d be in favor of gene editing embryos. He says the idea of correcting DNA errors in the next generation has no “ick factor” for him at all. “I have no compunctions about it,” says Carroll, who is a neuroscientist at Western Washington University, in Bellingham. “I am saying, please, please do mess with our DNA.”

This week in Washington, D.C., hundreds of scientists and ethicists are meeting at the National Academy of Sciences to debate whether society should sanction or prohibit “germ-line engineering,” or altering the DNA of sperm, eggs, or embryos to correct genetic defects before children are born.

It’s a controversial idea, but now it’s easier than ever to do because of a powerful technology called CRISPR. Many experts at the meeting seem to be leaning toward endorsing an indefinite moratorium on any effort to create gene-modified babies, calling the technology too new, too unsafe, and too limited in medical use, a position that has been endorsed by the Obama administration.

But when MIT Technology Review reached out to several families who’ve dealt with devastating genetic illnesses, all said they approved of using the technology as quickly as possible. That could create a potential clash between desperate families and cautious scientists and politicians.

And south of the border - progress in longevity research is taking one big step next year.
Longer Life in a Pill May Already Be Available at Your Local Drug Store
A medical field historically associated with charlatans and quacks, scientists have strictly restricted the quest for a “longevity pill” to basic research. The paradigm is simple and one-toned: working on model organisms by manipulating different genes and proteins, scientists slowly tease out the molecular mechanisms that lead to — and reverse — signs of aging, with no guarantee that they’ll work in humans.

But it’s been a fruitful search: multiple drug candidates, many already on the market for immune or psychiatric disorders, have consistently delayed age-associated diseases and stretched the lifespan of fruit flies, roundworms and mice. Yet human trials have been far beyond reach — without the FDA acknowledging “aging” as a legitimate target for drug development, researchers have had no way of pitching clinical trials to the regulatory agency.

Until now.
This year, the FDA green lighted an audacious proposal that seeks to test in 3,000 volunteers a drug that — based on animal studies — could extend human lifespan by up to 40 percent and decrease chances of getting age-related diseases. The double-blind, multi-centered trial, Targeting Aging with Metformin (TAME), is the first that pushes aging as a bona fide disease — one that may eventually be tamed with drugs.

“We think this is a groundbreaking, perhaps paradigm-shifting trial,” said Dr. Steven Austad, scientific director of the American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR).

And when we thinking of extending life - here’s a very interesting and maybe frightening development.
China ‘clone factory’ scientist eyes human replication
Boyalife, its partners are building the giant plant in Chinese port of Tianjin, where it is due to go into production within the next seven months
The basics, as reported by the AFP: Chinese company Boyalife is planning a massive cloning facility in Tianjin, with the goal of producing one million cows by 2020 in order to supplement China’s meat supply.
The Chinese scientist behind the world’s biggest cloning factory has technology advanced enough to replicate humans, he told AFP, and is only holding off for fear of the public reaction.

Boyalife Group and its partners are building the giant plant in the northern Chinese port of Tianjin, where it is due to go into production within the next seven months and aims for an output of one million cloned cows a year by 2020.

But cattle are only the beginning of chief executive Xu Xiaochun’s ambitions.
In the factory pipeline are also thoroughbred racehorses, as well as pet and police dogs, specialised in searching and sniffing.

Boyalife is already working with its South Korean partner Sooam and the Chinese Academy of Sciences to improve primate cloning capacity to create better test animals for disease research.

And it is a short biological step from monkeys to humans — potentially raising a host of moral and ethical controversies.
The technology is already there,” Xu said. “If this is allowed, I don’t think there are other companies better than Boyalife that make better technology.”

Presenting cloning as a safeguard of biodiversity, the Tianjin facility will house a gene bank capable of holding up to approximately five million cell samples frozen in liquid nitrogen — a catalogue of the world’s endangered species for future regeneration.

Boyalife’s South Korean partner Sooam is already working on a project to bring the woolly mammoth back from extinction by cloning cells preserved for thousands of years in the Siberian permafrost.

Longer life and very very long term knowledge storage & memory - a 4min video.
This is how to store human knowledge for eternity - BBC News
It’s easy to assume that human knowledge is stable – that everything we have learnt will endure for millennia. Yet oral history can evolve as it passes between generations, books can be destroyed, and digital storage is more fragile and transient than many assume. The hard drives and servers that underpin our world today will eventually become unreadable as the years pass. Our storage methods may serve us well now, but they are far from immortal. So, where and how should we store humanity’s knowledge for posterity? There is one way: use the fundamental code of life itself.

Not only is DNA a possible long term memory storage for the future of the digital environment - but biology and computing have other possibilities. It just may be that the boundary between biology and computation is becoming ever more blurry.
Biologically powered chip created
System combines biological ion channels with solid-state transistors to create a new kind of electronics
Researchers have, for the first time, harnessed the molecular machinery of living systems to power an integrated circuit from ATP, the energy currency of life. They achieved this by integrating a conventional solid-state complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor integrated circuit with an artificial lipid bilayer membrane containing ATP-powered ion pumps, opening the door to creating entirely new artificial systems that contain both biological and solid-state components.

Here’s a great report on the future of Big Data from the EU.
Meeting the challenges of big data A call for transparency, user control, data protection by design and accountability
The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) is an independent institution of the EU. The Supervisor is responsible under Article 41.2 of Regulation 45/2001 ‘With respect to the processing of personal data… for ensuring that the fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons, and in particular their right to privacy, are respected by the Community institutions and bodies”, and “…for advising Community institutions and bodies and data subjects on all matters concerning the processing of personal data’.  

‘The right to be let alone is indeed the beginning of all freedom’
Big data, if done responsibly, can deliver significant benefits and efficiencies for society and individuals not only in health, scientific research, the environment and other specific areas. But there are serious concerns with the actual and potential impact of processing of huge amounts of data on the rights and freedoms of individuals, including their right to privacy. The challenges and risks of big data therefore call for more effective data protection.

Technology should not dictate our values and rights, but neither should promoting innovation and preserving fundamental rights be perceived as incompatible. New business models exploiting new capabilities for the massive collection, instantaneous transmission, combination and reuse of personal information for unforeseen purposes have placed the principles of data protection under new strains, which calls for thorough consideration on how they are applied.

European data protection law has been developed to protect our fundamental rights and values, including our right to privacy. The question is not whether to apply data protection law to big data, but rather how to apply it innovatively in new environments. Our current data protection principles, including transparency, proportionality and purpose limitation, provide the base line we will need to protect more dynamically our fundamental rights in the world of big data. They must, however, be complemented by ‘new’ principles which have developed over the years such as accountability and privacy by design and by default. The EU data protection reform package is expected to strengthen and modernise the regulatory framework.

The EU intends to maximise growth and competitiveness by exploiting big data. But the Digital Single Market cannot uncritically import the data-driven technologies and business models which have become economic mainstream in other areas of the world. Instead it needs to show leadership in developing accountable personal data processing. The internet has evolved in a way that surveillance - tracking people’s behaviour - is considered as the indispensable revenue model for some of the most successful companies. This development calls for critical assessment and search for other options.

In any event, and irrespective of the business models chosen, organisations that process large volumes of personal information must comply with applicable data protection law. The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) believes that responsible and sustainable development of big data must rely on four essential elements:
  • organisations must be much more transparent about how they process personal data;
  • afford users a higher degree of control over how their data is used;
  • design user friendly data protection into their products and services;
  • become more accountable for what they do.

When it comes to transparency, individuals must be given clear information on what data is processed, including data observed or inferred about them; better informed on how and for what purposes their information is used, including the logic used in algorithms to determine assumptions and predictions about them...

New technology of measurement can bring forth new sciences and challenge or validate old and new theories.
Holometer rules out first theory of space-time correlations
Our common sense and the laws of physics assume that space and time are continuous. The Holometer, an experiment based at the US Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, challenges this assumption.

We know that energy on the atomic level, for instance, is not continuous and comes in small, indivisible amounts. The Holometer was built to test if space and time behave the same way.

In a new result  released this week after a year of data-taking, the Holometer collaboration has announced that it has ruled out one theory of a pixelated universe to a high level of statistical significance.

If space and time were not continuous, everything would be pixelated, like a digital image.

And Hogan is already putting forth a new model of holographic structure that would require similar instruments of the same sensitivity, but different configurations sensitive to the rotation of space. The Holometer, he says, will serve as a template for an entirely new field of experimental science.

“It’s new technology, and the Holometer is just the first example of a new way of studying exotic correlations,” Hogan says. “It is just the first glimpse through a newly invented microscope.”

Here is another significant advance in imaging - but this one is near at hand and very inexpensive.
Making 3-D imaging 1,000 times better
Algorithms exploiting light’s polarization boost resolution of commercial depth sensors 1,000-fold.
MIT researchers have shown that by exploiting the polarization of light — the physical phenomenon behind polarized sunglasses and most 3-D movie systems — they can increase the resolution of conventional 3-D imaging devices as much as 1,000 times.

The technique could lead to high-quality 3-D cameras built into cellphones, and perhaps to the ability to snap a photo of an object and then use a 3-D printer to produce a replica.
Further out, the work could also abet the development of driverless cars.

The researchers’ experimental setup consisted of a Microsoft Kinect — which gauges depth using reflection time — with an ordinary polarizing photographic lens placed in front of its camera. In each experiment, the researchers took three photos of an object, rotating the polarizing filter each time, and their algorithms compared the light intensities of the resulting images.

On its own, at a distance of several meters, the Kinect can resolve physical features as small as a centimeter or so across. But with the addition of the polarization information, the researchers’ system could resolve features in the range of tens of micrometers, or one-thousandth the size.

Another ‘weak signal’ on the looming phase transition in the geopolitics of energy.
Mexican Village Uses Solar Energy To Purify Water
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology put up a water purification system back in 2013 that used solar power to generate electricity for the process. After two years, the remote Mexican village was able to enhance the system, even doing business by selling purified water to nearby communities.

A remote Mexican village known as Calakmul in the heart of the Yucatan Peninsula has been producing clean drinking water with solar-powered purifying system made by researchers from the MIT. Deep in the Maya Jungle in a small Campeche municipality, the institute installed two solar panels to generate electricity for a set of water pumps to push water to the filtration procedure using reverse osmosis. The system has been able to purify not less than a thousand liters of water in a day, collecting and filtering from rainwater to brackish well water.

Advances in solar and other alternative energy approaches depend on advances in electricity energy advances - here one more signal of this progress.
Here's a Peek at the First Sodium-ion Rechargeable Battery
Lithium-ion batteries are everywhere, powering phones, cars, and avionics, among other things. However, lithium is a relatively rare element, found in some locations in South America. That not only keeps the price of lithium-ion batteries high, but also makes the supply chain vulnerable to political instabilities.
Sodium has a very similar chemistry to lithium, and as soon as lithium-ion batteries came to market, researchers started looking to sodium as a substitute for lithium in rechargeable batteries. Unlike lithium, the reserves of sodium are practically unlimited. The highest hurdle for sodium to clear on its way to battery dominance is the development of suitable electrodes.

At the end of November a team of French researchers from the CNRS, the  French National Centre for Scientific Research and the CEA, France's Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, announced in a press release and a CNRS News article that they had produced, in collaboration with the Research Network on Electrochemical Energy Storage, RS2E, a prototype sodium-ion battery that can store an acceptable amount of electricity in the same standard industry format as lithium ion batteries. It is slightly larger than an AA battery—18 mm x 65 mm.

And more looming change and new forms of economic idea.
General Electric is dumping prime-time TV advertising
General Electric, one of the fastest-growing US advertising spenders, is abandoning the prime-time TV market for one where commercials have a better chance of standing out: live TV.

Chief marketing officer Linda Boff told Business Insider that she is funneling the bulk of GE’s TV advertising dollars to live programming. “We still believe in TV, but we believe in an audience that is going to stay,” she said.
Last year, GE’s spending on US advertising jumped 42% to $393 million, by Advertising Age’s calculations. GE’s commercials run “almost exclusively” on live TV, Boff said, citing programs like football, “Saturday Night Live,” and “The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon.”

Changing viewer habits have made traditional TV advertising less effective. For example, people are watching more TV on DVRs—where viewers can fast-forward through commercials—and through paid, ad-free streaming platforms like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video.

The shift away from prime-time doesn’t bode well for networks, which command high prices for ad slots during those hours because they typically reach more viewers. But it isn’t entirely surprising either….

Cory Doctorow is a highly acclaimed Internet activist and science fiction writer - his views on the future of the Internet are always worth the read.
The TPP's ban on source-code disclosure requirements: bad news for information security
The secretly negotiated Trans Pacific Partnership is 2,000 pages' worth of regulatory favors for various industries, but one that stands out as particularly egregious is the ban on rules requiring source-code disclosure.

Hardly a day goes by without a researcher discovering critical flaws in devices ranging from hospital cardio servers to home alarm systems. Source code disclosure is an important step in making these devices more secure, allowing for independent scrutiny and auditing of tools that could literally kill us if their programming contains undisclosed defects.

TPP's ban on code auditing ties the hands of the countries that sign onto it, forbidding their legislatures and regulators from making rules that require vendors to disclose their source-code for regulatory approval or legal importation.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation's Jeremy Malcolm provides some vital context for what this rule means (less security for all of us) and where it comes from (the US Trade Rep wants to fight Chinese rules that require American companies to disclose sourcecode on products they export to China):

Here is an interesting study that’s developed a novel way to rank the influence of the world’s universities - Canada has two universities in the top 100 - Toronto and British Columbia. This may be a good method until universities begin to reward their students and professors for making entries and links in Wikipedia. Such would game the effectiveness of rating universities - but it would increase the utility of Wikipedia.
Wikipedia-Mining Algorithm Reveals World’s Most Influential Universities
An algorithm’s list of the most influential universities contains some surprising entries.
Where are the world’s most influential universities? That’s a question that increasingly dominates the way the public, governments, and funding agencies think about research and higher education.

Today, we get such a ranking thanks to the work of Jose Lages at the University of Franche-Comte in France and a few pals. They’ve used the way universities are mentioned on Wikipedia to produce a world ranking. Their results provide a new way to think about rankings that may help to avoid some of the biases that can occur in other ranking systems.

And there are other factors that are unique to university rankings. Some institutions focus more on teaching than on research—how should these factors be balanced?

The new work attempts to get around some of these problems using the Pagerank algorithm that Google famously uses to rank websites in search results. This uses the network of links between nodes on a network to determine those that are the most important.

Exactly this process can be applied to Wikipedia articles. Each university mentioned in an article is a node in the network, and the links pointing toward it are used to determine a ranking (see also “Artificial Intelligence Aims to Make Wikipedia Friendlier and Better”).

Lages and co apply this process to 24 different language editions of Wikipedia. This database contains some four million articles in English, 1.5 million in German and around a million in each of French, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, and Russian. It also includes Chinese, Hebrew, Hungarian, and so on. “These 24 languages cover 59% of world population and 68% of the total number of Wikipedia articles in all 287 languages,” they say.
Here is the link to all the rankings of 1028 universities
Wikipedia Ranking of World Universities using PageRank algorithm

Algorithms can be used for many other forms of medical diagnosis - here is a fascinating example. It is imaginable that this sort of approach could be used to undertake many sorts of psychological issues and/or medical/cognitive impairments. Especially when we consider the rapid emergence of Big Data.
Alzheimer’s Accurately Detected By Computerized Language Analysis
Researchers have discovered how to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease with more than 82 per cent accuracy by evaluating the interplay between four linguistic factors; and developing automated technology to detect these impairments.
The study, led by Dr. Frank Rudzicz, Scientist, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute (TR), UHN, is published in the December issue of the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. The method and automated application of the assessment is proven to be more accurate than the current initial assessment tool used by health-care professionals. It can also provide an objective diagnostic rating for dementia.

Based on the analysis, it was determined that four collective dimensions of speech are indicative of dementia: semantic impairment, such as using overly simple words; acoustic impairment, such as speaking more slowly; syntactic impairment, such as using less complex grammar; and information impairment, such as not clearly identifying the main aspects of a picture.

“Previous to our study, language factors were connected to Alzheimer’s disease, but often only related to delayed memory or a person’s ability to follow instructions,” says Dr. Rudzicz, who is also Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, and a Network Investigator with the AGE-WELL Network of Centres of Excellence. “This study characterizes the diversity of language impairments experienced by people with Alzheimer’s disease, and our automated detection algorithm takes this into account.”

Catching us as we believe we are - this is a lovely project from an 18 year old. The 5 min video is a heart warming must see.
Student Captures What Happens When People Are Told They Are Beautiful
How would you react if someone told you that you’re beautiful? 18-year-old Shea Glover, a highschool student from Chicago, conducted a social experiment to find out. She posed people in front of her camera and then told them “I’m taking pictures of things I find beautiful.”

The responses are touching. “I conducted an independent project which evidently turned into a social experiment regarding beauty,” Glover writes on YouTube. “I want to clarify that my intentions were not to get a reaction out of people. I was simply filming beauty and this is the result.”

This is very cool - makes me want to rebuild my own house - the images are definitely worth the view.
Your very own Hobbit hole for just £10,000
Pre-fabricated homes built into the earth feature pools and hot tubs (and they can be assembled in just three days)
For those who have dreamed of living in their own snug hobbit hole, they don't need to travel to Middle Earth to make the dream a reality.

Instead of getting out the shovel and building your own habitable hole in the hillside, you can now simply order a ready-made one and tailor it to your exact specification as a year-round home or a place to retreat for a holiday.

Similar to their movie counterparts, the tiny eco-friendly houses by Green Magic Homes are similarly designed to exist under layer of grass and soil - perfect for growing vegetables and feeling at one with nature - and come with pools or hot tubs.

This is a the first (1 ½ hours) of three documentary films exploring the what being a human is today - it’s very moving. Shot all over the world.
HUMAN Extended version VOL.1
Turn on the Closed Captions (CC) to know the countries where the images were filmed and the first name of the interviewees.

What is it that makes us human? Is it that we love, that we fight ? That we laugh ? Cry ? Our curiosity ? The quest for discovery ?
Driven by these questions, filmmaker and artist Yann Arthus-Bertrand spent three years collecting real-life stories from 2,000 women and men in 60 countries. Working with a dedicated team of translators, journalists and cameramen, Yann captures deeply personal and emotional accounts of topics that unite us all; struggles with poverty, war, homophobia, and the future of our planet mixed with moments of love and happiness.

Watch the 3 volumes of the film and experience #WhatMakesUsHUMAN.

The VOL.1 deals with the themes of love, women, work and poverty.
The playlist of all the volumes can be accessed here: